Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Modern Elements in Pinero’s “The Second Mrs. Tanqueray†Essay
The Modern Elements in Arthur Pinero’s â€Å"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray†As a modern writer, Arthur Pinero has presented a great amount of modern elements in his work. For instance, his tragedy â€Å"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray†has a marvelous collection of these elements. Stage direction, Defamiliarization, mystery, metatheatrical technique, Surrealism, impressionistic monologue, psycho patient concept, violating the unity of time, and cubism can all be found in this play, but one never knows the exact depth of words and the different worlds they hide. In fact, at the beginning of each act, a stage direction is found to guide the actors about where to stand and how to react. It, also, presents a description of their facial expressions and gestures , along with their tones of voice. Moreover, a stage direction gives some details about the characters’ social class. For instance, the stage direction at the beginning of Act I introduces Aubrey Tanqueray as a member of the upper-class, for his chambers have, â€Å"A richly and tastefully decorat ed room, elegantly and luxuriously furnished.†Furthermore, Pinero manipulates another modern element called Defamiliarization. In the 19th century, the Russian Formalist Critic Victor Shklovsky says that the modern writers should come up with something new as means of experimentation. In â€Å"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray,†Pinero inserts few French words in his English text for the sake of defamiliarization. For example, he says â€Å"Mesalliance†instead of â€Å"Unmatchable marriage,†â€Å"Vin ordinare†instead of â€Å"Ordinary wine†and â€Å"L’age critique†instead of â€Å"The critical age†in Act I. The modern audience is supposed to be cultured, so he/she is expected to understand the text. Since ambiguity and mystery are praised in modern drama, Pinero has employed these elements in his play as well. This matter is clearly seen in the first act, in which Aubrey tells his friends Jayne and Misquith that their friendship must come into an end, now, because he will rem arry. He insists that they will not remain friends when they know the second Mrs. Tanqueray. Aubrey, here, is ambiguous. He hides the identity of his new wife keeping his friends in suspense. Most importantly, at the end of Act III, Paula insists on telling Aubrey the truth about her previous relation with Hugh Ardale, who has come to marry Ellean. This mystery has different interpretations, one of which is that, Hugh was the first man in her life who broke her virginity, betrayed her, and refused to marry her. Hence, this matter has led her to the path of prostitution. Another interpretation for the matter is that, Paula is trying to show herself as a good mother to Ellean. She does not want her daughter, as she thinks of Ellean, to marry such an indecent man like Hugh. Furthermore, according to Christianity, Ellean cannot marry a man who has slept with her stepmother; for if Hugh marries Ellean, it will be an incest. Lastly, this mysterious insist on telling Aubrey can be seen as Paula’s jealousy. She is jealous of Ellean, and how her relation with Hugh is better than her previous relation with him. Although she has lived with him, Hugh does not see Paula as his wife, for he, like everyone, is attracted to her physically not spiritually. Hence, he chooses Ellean as his wife describing her, †as good as my own mother.†In addition to the previous elements, Pinero, also, manipulates the Metatheatrical technique, which is found in Act I. Close to the end of that act, Aubrey converses with his friend Cayley Drummle after Jayne and Misquith has left, and reveals the identity of his new wife. Knowing that it is Paula, the prostitute, Drummle understands and admires Aubrey for being tolerant. He, then, tells him that, â€Å"I’m merely a spectator in life; nothing more than a man in a play†¦, I love to see certain characters happy and comfortable at the finish.†Drummle, here, is trying to remind the audience that he is actually an actor in a play, so what they watch is not reality. Using this method, Pinero has violated Aristotle’s Dramatic Illusion, which states that the audience must believe what they see as reality. Furthermore, Pinero employs another modern element called Surrealistic technique in the play. Surrealism is, in fact, an anti-realistic technique that was coined at the beginning of the 20th century. It is used in drama to make an oppressed character fight for her freedom against a totalitarian force. The fight is like a nightmare in the play. Andre Breton says that violence should be confined to the language only, and this is true as far as Paula’s quarrels are concerned. However, the other Surrealistic leader Antonin Artaud believes that violence should be shown in both language and action. It is worth mentioning, that the Surrealistic fight, though painful, is humorous, and includes grotesquery. A sample of this technique is seen in Act II, in which Paula quarrels with Aubrey about Ellean’s trip with Mrs. Cortelyon. She becomes extremely angry at Aubrey, for she understands that he aims at isolating Ellean from her bad influence. She knows that Aubrey still sees her as a fallen woman like everyone, as she states, †I can’t be so useful to your daughter as such people as this; and so I’m to be given the go-by for any town friend of yours.†In order to annoy him, Paula decides to invite her friend Mabel, a prostitute who has married George Orreyed, as a revenge for her dignity. In fact, Pinero’s aim of using the Surrealistic technique is to incarnate Paula’s verbal fight with Aubrey and Ellean. In fact, Paula’s fight with Ellean, in Act II, presents two modern elements, the psycho patient concept and the impressionistic monologue. In that act, Paula inquires about the reason that makes Ellean behave coldly with her. Elle an tells her that her mother has appeared in her dream, before, telling her to love her father, but she has not told her to love Paula yet. Paula, then, tells Ellean, †Dreams are only a hash-up of one’s day-thoughts, I suppose you know. Think intently of anything, and it’s bound to come back to you at night.†Then, she plays the role of a Psychoanalyst by telling Ellean that she has got a complex after her mother’s death, which is the reason for seeing her in her dreams. Because Paula is vulgar, Ellean does not accept that. Here, Paula is echoing the Austrian Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud’s theory of Psychoanalysis. According to Freud, a psychoanalyst treats a psycho patient by listening to him and allowing him to verbalize his thoughts, past conflicts, fantasies and dreams. In his book â€Å"The Interpretation of Dream†, Freud says that dreams are symbolic of what a person is unconsciously think of, similar to what Paula has stated. Freud says, that an analyst interprets to his patient his thoughts, fantasies and dreams, the, relates them to his present life; creating an insight for resolution of the problems. The analyst honestly clarifies the patient’s life wishes and guilt, then, confronts him with his complexes to undo them; and that what Paula has applied on Ellean. Since Ellean gets angry, Paula tries to justify her aggression. She tries to draw Ellean’s sympathy and love by telling her that she has been through several tragedies in her life that turn her to be like this. She tells her, â€Å"I’ve talked to you as I’ve never talked to a woman in my life.†Paula wants Ellean to love her and asks her, †Kiss me!†Instead of sympathizing with Paula, Ellean turns her back coldly, a matter that pushes Paula to become extremely angry and start yelling at Ellean. This part presents an impressionistic monologue. This kind of monologue is along speech said by a char acter to another one who listens to her/him. This character expresses her/his inner conflicts. The impressionistic monologue reflects psychological realism and depth in characterization. What Paula has said previously represents her psychological depth and introduces her as a psycho patient, as well. Pinero, also, violates the unity of time at the same act. When Mrs. Cortelyon offers to take Ellean with her to Paris then London, she states, †I’m going to Paris tomorrow for a week or two before settling down in Chester Square.†She , also, asks Aubrey to let Ellean stays with her in town â€Å"during the season.†Here, Mrs. Cortelyon tends to take Ellean for about 2 months, a matter that reflects the modern sense of violating time. Last but not least, Pinero has , also, experimented with Cubism in his play. In fact, Cubist writers at the early 20th century used to hide some parts from the text. They believe that matters overlap one another in reality because no one can see an item from all sides at the same time. This idea of missing parts or incomplete text is attributed later to the postmodern writers who dismantle the text then reassemble it to look incomplete and ambiguous. Ambiguity, in fact, is praised in modern drama since it stimulates the audience to contemplate and think of what is missed in the text. Similarly, Pinero, in â€Å"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray,†skips some details expecting the cultured audience to think and guess of what has happened in the missing part. For instance, It can be imagined that after Paula has left Highercoombe in a rage at the end of Act II, Aubrey makes it up with her when she returns. Actually, Act III opens with the Orreyeds enjoying themselves at Highercoombe, a matter which indicates that Aubrey accepts the Orreyeds’ visit and welcomes them to please Paula. To conclude, despite the fact that he is described as a traditional writer, Pinero has presented himself as a real modern writer. He has experimented with several modern techniques that have not been coined yet as his time. Briefly, his new techniques have aided â€Å"The Second Mrs. Tanqueray†to survive until the 21st century.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Reign of God Essay
I have read chapter three in Reign of God in its entirety. In chapter 3, it described about God’s character and the basis of God’s kingdom. Everyone knows that the father of Jesus Christ is God. And God has relation to Jesus identifies him as God to us. So if we want to know God, we need to go to Jesus first. To summarize what is the most important statement in the Bible is â€Å" God is love. †Love is the first and the last word in the biblical portrait of God. Some people may think that love is the most difficult things to learn in our entire life. But God had already told us what love is though the bible. Love is the essence of God’s nature. Love is what it means to be God. To the english word â€Å"love†,it covers an enormous range of meaning. We use love to describe our attitude toward everything from our favourite food, people that important to us and also things that we treasure. Nowadays, we use love and we say it with no any condition. But is there anyone can able to be uncondition to love others? Maybe yes, but I can sure about that, there are only a few amount of human in the world. However, God can. He love the world that he gave his one and only son to us. This is how God showed his love amoung us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he oved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins†(1 John 4:9-10). God’s love is very powerful and tenacious. It is powerful enough to let him forgive our sins. People often wonder how the same being can be at once a compassionate, forgiving parent and a stern judge og evildoers. Since God’s love is unconditional, so he can accept our sins and give a second chance to amend ourselves.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Generational marketing and social media Case Study
Generational marketing and social media - Case Study Example The baby boomers generation used to report to work every day, from their homes. Generation X has both people who stay either at work or at home. A people of generation Y are those who are mobile because the advanced technology enables them to work from anywhere. Generation Y prefers portable machines, generation X uses both portable and fixed machines while baby boomers use machines wherever they were installed. The baby boomers could work using primary knowledge. Generation started demanding for advanced knowledge but generation Y required more of the learned people (must have attended college or university). The communication media among these generations depended on number of tasks to be performed. Generation Y needed mobile phones because they had a lot to attend to. General marketing involves planning an executing the conception, promotion, pricing and distributing ideas, products or goods and services to develop exchanges that satisfy organizational and individual goals. Things that can be marketed include products and services, experiences and events, people, places and properties, organizations, information and ideas. The market categories are; consumer, business, global, government and nonprofit. Marketing acts as integrative function while the customer acts as the controlling function. Social media refers to interactive platforms through which people and communities share the content or information generated by the user (Hally, 2005). They are also social software hat mediate human communication. Some of the social media types include: Dell is a company that manufactures computers- Dell computers. The target audience for Dell computers is the institutions (teachers or lecturers, students and subordinate staff), because they require computers for both learning purposes and institutional operations (Koehn, 2001). Social media are effective in marketing Dell’s computers. The company collects ideas and insights from its customers, which it
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis - Article Example The researchers justified the use of qualitative method because they asserted that certain dimensions of nursing errors remain unexplored. They did not explain the philosophical underpinnings of their research method, although they highlighted that they believe that there is enough confusion, ambiguity, and diversity on the definitions and perceptions of medical errors, which warrant the need for more contextual exploration on critical care nursing’s understanding of nursing errors in particular. The researchers explained their purpose sufficiently when they stated that they aimed to explore how critical care nurses perceive nursing error and its causes. They believe that their study is important in providing a specific perspective on what constitutes nursing errors and what factors may cause them. To collect data, the researchers used the qualitative content analysis method which generally uses interviews and other qualitative data collection methods and content analysis in conducting the research. The method is compatible with the purpose of the research because the research necessitates exploratory questions that are more open-ended than close-ended, since the researchers want to know the actual range of perceptions of critical care nurses, and not to test specific models or theories about nursing errors. Moreover, the method adequately addresses the phenomenon of interest since the researchers are interested in knowing what the target subjects think about nursing errors and its causes, so they need to ask open-ended questions to collect answers in an exhaustive manner. In addition, the researchers completed the study using the qualitative content analysis method because they conducted deep, semi-structured interviews that are based on general open-ended questions which can encourage participants to think deeply and extensively about their
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Self Expression Through The Clothes We Wear Essay
Self Expression Through The Clothes We Wear - Essay Example The emergence of street style of clothing has not at all changed the desire among people to show themselves via their wardrobe. According to Dorene (1) fashion and function should match well without hustle in the current world. There should be no one to dictate the mode of dressing as long as the individual is comfortable with the clothing he or she is putting at a given function. Dorene (1) says in the article, â€Å"I need the style and comfort that’s going to let me wear it all day.†It is argued that all sexes desire clothing and apparel that can not only perform but also bring out the fitness of their life style in any given function. Many people want apparels that help to express the attitude of the wearer, which gives room for them to bring out their character, clothes that expresses whether by showing off their tattoo or their colorful headband. Functionality in most cases begins with durability, lightweight and breathable garments with enough room to conceal the total range of emotions. This seems to have evolved with the assistance of high technology from other markets. In the current days and time, people should be allowed to wear what pleases them because of the increased sophistication of the clothing. â€Å"Fitness apparel has evolved in the quality of material and the quality of construction,†says (Andrea 1). Andrea (1) however offers a candid advice to everyone in the society of what to wear and what to consider. As much as everyone should the freedom to wear what they pleases, the people must evaluate their own personal motivation, provide a little guidance on background depending on the function, create respect for oneself, take children into account and provide a role model to various people in various walks of life. The guiding principle should the personal conviction of the person himself
Friday, July 26, 2019
Employee Training and Development Research Paper
Employee Training and Development - Research Paper Example (Cormier) Training enhances the skills, knowledge, new information, and cultural awareness of an organization. The transfer is accomplished when the subject matter of the training is passed to the members of the organization, who then apply the skill set in the job environment. While the transfer of training process sounds simple and rudimentary, several barriers exists that can hinder the transfer of training process, or even nullify it completely. It is essential to understand the barriers to training in order to enhance the success of transfer of training. Several common barriers exist; lack of reinforcement on the job, non-supportive organizational culture, immediate work environment interference, impractical training programs, irrelevant training content, discomfort with change, lack of inspiration or support of the trainer, poorly designed / delivered training, and pressures from peers to resist change associated with training. Barriers to training exist in every organization t o varying degrees. (Broad) These barriers all hinder the importance of the training process and can mitigate the positive effects intended by the training process.
The Strategies Used By Fitness First To Build and Sustain Competitive Essay
The Strategies Used By Fitness First To Build and Sustain Competitive Advantage - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that established in 1993, Fitness First has grown significantly through pricing strategies that outperform or are generically more attractive to consumers both price-sensitive and those looking for more value for their money. Whilst other competition position on quality, reputation or innovation, Fitness First has gained positive ground by appealing to the budgetary needs of its many target consumers. Fitness First maintains many weaknesses, most of which are related to marketing and promotional development, lack of a cohesive organizational culture, and an inability to remove supplier and buyer power in the market. Fitness First maintained losses in 2010 and 2011, indicating a problem with operational costs that continue to outpace revenue production. As such, in this highly competitive industry, marketing becomes a critical function for the company if it is to be sustainable into the future. Despite these weaknesses, strengths associated wi th proper celebrity endorsements and effective diversification of existing products and services to extend the life cycle of its offerings tend to offset some of the aforementioned weaknesses. It is recommended that Fitness First conduct ample market research to align service and product with changing consumer needs, work to build a more mission-focused organizational culture, and improve marketing prowess with more investment in promotion as a key competitive strategy (brand-building emphasis). Fitness First was launched in 1993 as a single, stand-alone gym in Bournemouth. Through a series of investments, acquisitions, and business model improvements, Fitness First has grown quickly to become one of the largest health club centers in the world. The privately-owned company now boasts over one million members in over 400 Fitness First clubs spread across the globe.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ASSESSMENT - Essay Example There are, for instance, societies that practice circumcision of males as a way of graduating them into adulthood. On the other hand, there are communities that do not have that kind of practice. When these two categories of people belong in the same team at the workplace and there happens to be acrimony between them, the circumcised person would most likely use unwelcome words on the uncircumcised one to suggest that they are not man enough because they are not circumcised. Cultural clashes can be real horrible experiences at the workplace (Parker, 2013). Supervisors at work have over the years abused the employees working under them only because the employees do not subscribe to their way of thinking. One thing that leads to differences in thinking are the cultural indoctrinations where one believes that everybody else should believe in the things that they believe in (Parker, 2014). A supervisor will tend to frustrate workers that view things differently. They could end up recommending them for sack or demotion and give vague reasons for that while deep inside, they know that the hate they have for such individuals emanates from differences in culture and, in some cases, religion. Those are very common scenarios. Managers of cross-cultural teams always have a lot to do in terms of creating cohesion among employees drawn from sundry cultural backgrounds. The most important thing for such managers is to try as much as they can to inculcate workplace values and ethics that will ensure that cultural diversity is not a source of conflic t and disrespect. Ethno-cultural conflict within the international classroom is a topic that requires a lot of research. There is bound to be fierce conflicts in a class containing people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Teachers and school heads have the duty to ensure that such conflicts do not hamper the learning process and try as much as
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Law - Assignment Example It may seem as a case of bad faith coming from Michael, who has attempted to take advantage of the good will that has been associated with the trademark of â€Å"Facebook†. According to the Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995 this fact may conduct to dilution.1Moreover, the U.S. Trademark Act of 1946 stipulated as illegal the action of registering or using a domain name that is identical or very similar to a trademark previously registered. Also, Michael’s â€Å"casebook†may be qualified by ACPA as â€Å"typo squatting†– the registration of domain names similar to registered trademarks, but which differ by one or two letters. This is obvious as the words â€Å"facebook†and â€Å"casebook†are similar, the only difference being the first letter. This fact would give Facebook the right to make a claim according to the URDP rules. Another important factor in Michael’s case is the geographical location of the host of his website – which is Ukraine and the location of the end-user – which is Canada. It is obvious that the location of the end-user is of a bigger importance than the location of the host, since the Copyright Act is meant to protect the copyright in Canada. Nevertheless, the location of the host is determinative and its importance should not be minimized. The fact that Michael’s help – Carrie did not provide with an original appearance, but copied it from is another illegal action. In U&R Tax, a set of requirements were made in order for a reproduction to be proved. These factors are: Analyzing the above criteria, it is obvious that the user interface design of â€Å"†was literally copied from the website â€Å"†by Carrie. Through this action, the web site diminishes the value of Facebook’s copyright, and the material taken is used in an identical way as the website – as a user interface design. Moreover, none of the Facebook codes were mentioned, the design
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Organizational Strategies for Quality Assessment and Improvement Research Paper
Organizational Strategies for Quality Assessment and Improvement - Research Paper Example The availability of equipment will ensure protection of personnel and promote organizational safety culture. The organization system should also avoid blame games and work towards solving problems from where they arise. The idea is for the organization to work as a team through openness and transparency in ensuring a culture of safety. Inclusions of the workers in the safety culture motivate the individuals in contributing to the quality improvement. The model works better for mutual communication between employees and management (Shekelle, Wachter, Pronovost & United States, 2013). Besides, the commitment of the management to ensuring that safety culture is successful, and teamwork motivates other employees in improving the services quality. The leaders’ commitment to achieving the goal of a culture of safety plays a vital role in ensuring the whole program is successful. A paper program without commitment will not lead to improved quality and safety hence there is a need for management to act appropriately. The leaders should play their part through listening and implementing workers contribution towards improving safety. Implementation of the workers idea encourages them to find solutions for any existing problems in the organization including safety. Management can only achieve these safety and quality improvement through communicating to the employees (Longo,
Monday, July 22, 2019
Identifying Quantifiable goals for the monitor, control and effectiveness of the marketing plan Essay Example for Free
Identifying Quantifiable goals for the monitor, control and effectiveness of the marketing plan Essay In order to evaluate, monitor, and control the effectiveness of the marketing plan, identifying quantifiable elements are detrimental to V-Techs financial gains and holdings. Marketing campaigns are the most costly measurement to the company and the launch of V-Techs Virta Window new product line in its marketing practices needs to show financial accountability. The focus of controlling and effectiveness to quantifiable elements reside in the metrics analysis of: 1. Revenue 2. Sales 3. Lead generation 4. Sales feed back 5. Return on investment 6. Customer retention Once the elements of V-Tech’s marketing campaign is identified, quantifiable goals can be set to counter financial loss and actionable measures can be taken to offset the losses for exchange of returnable gain. To begin identifying the elements of concern, V-Tech accounting management will look at: A. Product B. Place C. Price D. Promotion The product is an innovative technological breakthrough, meant to create real time life and learning experiences for its target audience. The product has little competition but may be hard to catch on in the marketplace and cause resistance within consumers. Quantifiable marketing goals that would need to be set: Be flexible to understanding that new products may need a longer campaign run. Placement metrics track the impact of consumer awareness and the impact of individual campaigns ability to reach marketing goals. Calculating metrics for analysis will determine if the whole of the marketing plan is bringing in more profit than it cost to run. Placement of the products marketing geographical and economic stature is an important quantifiable element. A metric analysis of location placement will measure the buying power and behavior of the consumer by geographic location. If the product is not selling well in placement, location factors may be that the target areas do not have the right selling class. Geographical metrics indicate a target audience income, medium house hold income, pay scale and if the economics of the area are depressed or thriving for businesses and product buying. The goal would then be to move the marketing campaign into better location areas where purchasing is a stronger asset for the product. Measuring the metrics of geographic locations can also help the company keep a competitive advantage as more technology companies advance to offering consumers a similar product. By being better able to understand consumer behavior by geographic V-Tech will have a higher ROI(return on investment) strengthen their marketing campaigns that keep customer retention, loyalty and target a larger audience base. Pricing by far may be the most important aspect in finding quantifiable controlling elements. A new product of technology changes the whole atmosphere of the market place from how it is developed to the price of manufacturing and distribution. The marketing of V-Techs new product is to reach a broad base of a consumer audience over affordability. This may cause a huge financial loss for the company. The campaign of the marketing needs increasing without the extra-added expenditures to cover the cost of loss and turn a profit. The reasoning behind quantifiable control is marketing the product to show value, and to measure financial gains where the product and marketing campaign will exceed profit and generate profit growth. The goals would then be to do a review of past sales to compare to sales of the new product and build on the strengths that previous campaigns have generated. A metrics analysis can be done in order to find out how many people clicked on an ad from online, what the numbers of new sales are and the percentage of new leads generated. From measuring sale metri cs, the company will be able to tweak the marketing campaign, generate a new marketing design, or repeat the campaign until the marketing goals meets its value. The company will also be able to determine the effectiveness of its Public relations effort in relation to its marketing efforts. A cost saving measurement to the company and the marketing campaign would be to get out in front of the face of the audience. Increase web activity, broaden the scope of social media awareness and depth in which marketing the product can help exceeded sales goals. The promotion of V-Techs product quantifiable control elements are to measure consumer awareness and set goals if the product is failing in brand awareness, website traffic, and not generating the sales lead expectations. Taking advantage of sending out Brand Ambassadors to area store locations and increasing trade market showings will promote and target the customer audiences awareness of the new product, how it is designed and will demonstrate why the consumer has a need to purchase the product. Social media marketing is limitless for brand awareness, in where a campaign can go to reach a borde r target buying audience. The quantifiable elemental goals are to take advantage of the use of the internet’s effectiveness of marketing to cost with web videos, direct coupons to the consumer, customer loyalty incentives, package discounts on education and parental sites. Identifying the quantifiable elements that help to control a marketing plan is an invaluable asset to V-Tech technologies and its new product launch. The analyzed metric data sets timely goals to which the company can redefine its control of marketing execution to increase sales and profits. The wealth of information extracted from the identification process takes on a new format that will find strengths and weakness of the consumer target audience, and will help to keep a competitive advantage as new companies move in the territorial locations of the innovative technology that V-Tech Windows will bring to a new market place.
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