Friday, August 28, 2020
The eNotes Blog How to UseSemicolons
The most effective method to UseSemicolons This is part threeâ in our unique punctuation arrangement. Semicolons, or, in the expressions of Kurt Vonnegut, â€Å"transvestite bisexuals speaking to totally nothing,†have been given an awful name. You and Kurt may stay away from them in the event that you pick. Assuming, nonetheless, you’ll hold nothing back from the minuscule freaks, I think you’ll find they’re actually rather â€Å"useful little chaps†-in the expressions of Abraham Lincoln. Think you realize how to utilize a semicolon? Step through this exam and discover. Pick the effectively punctuated sentence. 1. A. On the off chance that this fragment on semicolons is about porcupines; I’m not understanding it. B. The writer wouldn’t expound on porcupines once more, individuals would get exhausted. C. She forgot to make reference to the cute word for a child porcupine, however; porcupette. D. In any case, that’s the keep going thing she’ll state regarding the matter; she is proceeding onward. 2. A. Composing these tests looks fun; simple; and basic. B. Writing these tests is very, distressingly troublesome; channels you of your will to live, ruins your morning; early afternoon, evening, and night; and leaves you pondering when supper is. C. Journalists battle against the accompanying: exaggeration; metaphor; absence of bites. D. Journalists proceed with gratitude to their amazing capacity to continue on even with hunger, bright lights, and uncertainty; the support of their associates, who are unfailingly kind; the feathery pooch, whose name is Ellie, at their feet; and the pretzels they overlooked were in their pocket. 3. A. The publication group believes that Ellie’s fleecy mane ought to be colored pink, notwithstanding, they don't know her proprietor might want that. B. The article group concluded that circumspection was the better piece of valor, in like manner, they chose to simply envision Ellie with a pink mohawk. C. The fanciful Ellie looked extremely charming with a pink mohawk, consequently, there was recharged banter. D. It is once in a while preferable to ask absolution over authorization; in any case, once in a while it is smarter to ask consent. Answers: 1.d 2.d 3.d After a few (unmistakably master) Photoshopping, its a consistent whoopee for Ellieâ getting a pink mohawk. 1. Semicolons are still not commas The comma at the base of a semicolon isn't an all-get to go to the comma party; it is an occasionally perhaps pass. Consider it like the Avengers. Despite the fact that Bruce Banner can once in a while do Iron Man’s work, there are cases where the two extremely aren’t tradable and shouldn’t be confounded. The essential spot a semicolon ought to go is between two free conditions that don’t have a combination (for example what's more, be that as it may, and so on.), however once in a while it’s alright to leave in the combination. For instance, you could compose I was confounded about which of the attractive researchers transformed into a wild green beast; I chose to discover by methods for experimentation. You would be completely advocated in supplanting the semicolon with a period or an em run however you can’t supplant it with a comma. Fortunately the semicolon is a valuable apparatus to fix your comma grafts. A comma join happens when you interface two autonomous provisions without a combination, similar to this: My logical trial demonstrated fruitful, it additionally decimated New York City. Pop a semicolon in and poof! No more comma join. Additionally no greater city. 2. Semicolons are not colons Similarly as with commas and researcher Avengers, semicolons and colons are sometimes compatible. The colon, nonetheless, is extremely progressively like Hawkeye: a one-stunt horse whose handiness is constrained to just a bunch of events. In contrast to a semicolon, which doesn’t determine the idea of the relationship of the two autonomous provisos you are associating, a colon shows that the subsequent condition is a case of, legitimately clarifies, or underscores the purpose of the main statement. For instance, you could utilize either a semicolon or a colon in the sentence Hawkeye’s consideration among the Avengers is confounding: he appears to be a human among divine beings. One ought not, anyway enticed, compose Hawkeye’s incorporation among the Avengers is confusing: he does, be that as it may, have decent arms. If all else fails, take a stab at supplanting a colon with the words â€Å"that is,†â€Å"specifically,†or â€Å"namely.†If your new development bodes well, there’s a decent possibility you can go with a colon. If not, consider choosing an increasingly multipurpose warrior: the semicolon. 3. Semicolons and records One spot a semicolon can’t go is before a rundown. Just a colon will do in I think my odds are acceptable with the accompanying Avengers: Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man. There is, notwithstanding, an utilization for a semicolon when the interior accentuation of an arrangement gets horrendously confused, maybe as in I can’t trust you don’t figure I could date the accompanying Avengers: Thor, the Norse God, Captain America, the legend of WWII, and Iron Man, the very rich person playboy hero. Resolve disarray with semicolons, as in Okay, I understand I may have been somewhat driven in speculation I could date the accompanying Avengers: Thor, the Norse God; Captain America, the saint of WWII; and Iron Man, the very rich person playboy superhuman. 4. I still don’t get why I could ever utilize a semicolon You could utilize a semicolon to join two autonomous statements (things that could work as full sentences all alone). A semicolon shows a closer connection between the thoughts than a period would. For instance, I could compose Thor is the best Avenger. He is extremely alluring. He additionally has fearlessness and guts of psyche. With a period between each one of those thoughts, I may just toss out random contemplations that happen to me about Thor. I could likewise compose Thor is the best Avenger; he is extremely alluring. He additionally has mental fortitude and good guts. In any case, in the event that I did that I’d sell out the way that I’ve based my evaluation of his predominance fundamentally on his astounding physical characteristics, and the ethical determination is actually an idea in retrospect. The main other legitimate use for a semicolon is helping you sort out a rundown with insane inward accentuation, similar to I contend that Thor is better than Captain America since he is, truth be told, musclier; encounters not at all like his ethically uninteresting partner the infrequent clash of the spirit; and wears a cape and gleaming protective layer, however no senseless looking head protector with a jawline tie. 5. Do I ever need to utilize a semicolon? No. There are just a bunch of spots where the way you’ve developed your sentence requests that you utilize a semicolon, and you can for the most part revise to keep away from them without a lot of trouble (however your life will be emptier for it). On the off chance that you are resolved to continue in your campaign against the semicolon, at that point here’s a rundown of developments you should likewise keep away from. You can’t utilize transitional modifiers to join two autonomous provisions. (Truly, you state, this seems like a genuine catastrophe.) Let me explain. You can’t compose Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man chose to enjoy a reprieve and appreciate the Avengers hot tub, be that as it may, there was a lack of towels. (See what I mean? It would be sad in the event that you couldn’t state that.) The comma is inaccurate. Rather, you should compose it is possible that They chose to appreciate the Avengers hot tub; nonetheless, there was a lack of towels or They chose to appreciate the Avengers hot tub. Be that as it may, there was a lack of towels. You need to revamp records to bar inner accentuation, which implies you can’t fit in any of those beguiling asides you needed, and sentences like the examination of Captain America and Thor above become exhausting developments like I surmise Thor is possibly better than Captain America since he is greater, kind of muddled, and doesn’t wear a cap.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
New Jersey Revenue Reform
In his State of the State discourse, Governor Corzine recognized five expansive zones of income change in New Jersey, i.e., annuities and advantages, shared administrations, obligation decrease, modernization of the duty structure, and sustainability.â The focal point of the immediate property charge alleviation is the expense credits as 20%, 15%, and 10%, contingent upon the measure of pay per household.â Governor Corzine was express about this in his speech.He was similarly unequivocal in expressing that for the duty credit framework to work, there must be a strong, solid wellspring of funding.â For this, he brought up the business charge incomes and the diverted residence discounts will flexibly the principal inundation of financing.â As for the succeeding years, the equalization is proposed to originate from the accompanying: 1) cost reserve funds accomplished through normal and autonomous inspecting by another, nonpolitical state specialist; 2) solidifications and shared administrations; 3) aggregate haggling on benefits and medical advantages; 4) resource adaptation intended to diminish the state's Mastercard installments and give the ability to make capital interests later on for the state; and 5) 4% top on the expansion in the property charge demand, professed to be the key for manageability of the assessment credit system.â Each of these should add to the maintainability of the change program, with the top and the credit working off one another to achieve the goal.Reacting to the discourse, Assembly Minority Leader Alex DeCroce expressed that â€Å"sadly, following five years of Democrat control, the condition of our state has never been worse.â The poisonous blend of high property charges, open defilement, a pile of obligation, inefficient state spending and hostile to monetary development approaches are making New Jersey exorbitant for white collar class families†(The Associated Press 2007).Superficially, Governor Corzine’s suggestions appear to be simply political showing off, since every one of the 120 authoritative seats are scheduled for decisions this year.â Clunn (2006) brings up that in 2005, State House delegates vowed to sanction genuine property charge changes by year-end of 2006, with no results.â The proposals of the State House were successfully countered by the Governor’s clear want to arrange benefits changes instead of make tax breaks, something that the State House agents tried to get endorsed for five months.Corzine’s activities since his political decision have lead to the production of a blogspot on the web, called NJ Fiscal Folly, where residents voice out their reactions against the Governor.â Many people responded adversely to the raising of deals charges from 6% to 7%, the refusal of basic state spending changes, and the option of $270 Million to the Governor’s effectively noteworthy pork (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).For the bloggers, â€Å"any talk about putting aside a bit of the assessment increment is basically blather, simply lipstick on the pig†(NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).â More so when matched with the proposed elective spending plan for 2007, which included scarcely any spending cuts, put something aside for a lower commitment to the benefits framework, and the Governor’s danger to close down state government except if the lawmaking body supports his proposed financial plan (NJ Fiscal Folly 2006).â The business charge increment should gracefully $1.2 Billion in incomes for the government.There are a couple of individuals, nonetheless, that are attempting to look past the governmental issues and are equitably evaluating whether the proposition are really practical or on the off chance that they will create the ideal results.â Senator Gormley, a Republican, imagines that the discourse given by the Governor gave a â€Å"matter-of-truth blueprint of what should be done†, yet it is not yet clear whether it wi ll be done (Rispoli 2007), since discuss income change has been quite recently that, talk, for the past a large portion of 10 years, with New Jersey’s property charge dependence at twofold the across the nation rate.â Hester (2007) reports that officials are planning to have the new assessment arrangement of property charge credits set up before the bills go out this late spring, which are checks sent to mortgage holders as expense relief.Others responded all the more productively to the Governor’s engaged discourse, for example, William G. Dressel, Jr. Official Director of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.â Dressel (2006) extolled a portion of the proposed changes while dismissing others, yet expressed that the suggestions will â€Å"generally assist with constraining future annuity and advantages costs.†After a starter investigation of the proposed proposals, Dressel (2006) called attention to that there are sure things lacking in that which t he extraordinary meeting needs to accommodate, for example, the difficult connection between the genuine property citizens and the individuals from the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System, and the authorization of the ban on new benefits.â Dressel (2006) dismissed inside and out the proposition to boycott double elective office holding and the tying a segment of property charge alleviation financing to adherence with the Efficiency Commission.He likewise remarked that as for the first proposal by the senator on shared administrations, there appeared to be a deviation in the course being taken by the exceptional session.â He brought up that up to this point, there were no suggestions on obligation decrease and no particular arrangements for manageability, and that the proposition to modernize the assessment framework were insufficient in providing a subsidizing hotspot for the progressions looked for, explicitly the duty credit framework lessening private property burde ns by 20%.Hester (2007) reports that this 20% cut would require $2 Billion for every annum and be supported by cash recently allotted for property charge discounts and deals charge income, with the legislature depending on the past year’s abundance deals charge income to fill in as introductory subsidizing, yet with the need to discover $400 Million all the more every year to finance the tax break past the current year.Caslander (2007) opines that with the proposed changes, New Jersey would be better of changing its name from the Garden State to the â€Å"Tax Capital†.â Treating the proposition as being similar to â€Å"finding free cheddar in a mouse trap†, Caslander (2007) accepts that the arrangements will mitigate the issue just for a present moment, yet that the difficult will remain, and in actuality, the current proposed arrangements will just wind up aggravating the issue, in light of the fact that the arrangement includes giving duty alleviation prese ntly yet accommodating its financing later.Rebovich (2006), after the main unique meeting, remarked that maybe a perfect genuine property charge change program would include an augmentation of the business charge, an expansion in annual expense rates, and reserve funds from advantage decreases, as in actuality, the weight would be shared or disseminated among various individuals, and the consequences for business and the economy would not be harsh.considering to such an extent that the Governor’s condition of the state discourse can't be relied upon to clarify totally the mechanics of the proposed change, that could maybe represent the absence of subtleties concerning how the proposed changes will work.â at the outset, the recommendations appear to adjust to Rebovich’s image of what might be a perfect genuine property charge change program to ease the present circumstance in New Jersey.â Both open and private segments are influenced, and it appears that the weight is spread out.â However, there are as yet numerous things that should be addressed.For model, how precisely will the expense credit framework work?â How much will it take to build up the framework and introduce it instead of the current system?â How will the new framework be subsidized so as to be placed in place?â These inquiries are as significant as figuring out where the financing for the credits themselves will be taken.â Without solid designs for the working and usage of the credit framework, it will not work, and the changes wanted won't be attained.Also, what will be the expense of executing another arrangement of auditing?â And what assurance is there that the new state representative will be, as he is portrayed â€Å"nonpolitical†?â What about union and shared services?â The Governor expressed that this region needs some survey, yet there must be a particular arrangement of rules or rules to help figure out which regions or branches ought to be combi ned, and which ought to stay autonomous, just as which specific administrations ought to be shared.â As for decrease of annuity and medical advantages, is there potential risk with respect to the state for the individuals who guarantee a vested right to the estimation of the advantages they get, particularly as for annuity and retirement advantages of the individuals who have been getting them for years?â Spreading the weight of paying for the proposed changes is a smart thought, yet is it just?â What on the off chance that the state winds up spending more in view of litigation?â , Then the costs would simply be diverted somewhere else, yet the weight would even now be substantial for a great deal of people.â restricting double elective office holding is a smart thought, whatever abridging impacts it may appear to have on the privilege of testimonial of the electorate.Public office is an open trust, and from the individual in office ought not out of the ordinary no not exac tly the obligation of most extreme devotion and steadfastness to the individuals he represents.â The propensity in holding double workplaces is that the endeavors of the open official will be isolated, and the nature of his administrations may be diminished.â As for Dressel’s contentions against the Efficiency Commission, maybe a lot of rules to administer the procedures and judgments made by the Commission, just as a method of offer or survey of its conclusions, would be a sufficient protect against the threat of subjectivity pointed out.Objectively, the proposals given are possible, yet more work should be put
Friday, August 21, 2020
Using the Spanish Verb Saber
Utilizing the Spanish Verb Saber Saber is a typical action word whose fundamental significance is to have information or to know about. Despite the fact that it is frequently made an interpretation of as to know, it ought not be mistaken for conocer, which likewise is regularly made an interpretation of as to know. The fundamental significance of saber can be seen most unmistakably when it is trailed by a thing or an expression working as a thing: Â ¿Sabe alguien los horarios de los transports desde el aeropuerto? Does anybody know the hours of the transports from the airport?Nuestra presidente no sabe inglã ©s. Our leader doesnt know English.No se sabe mucho de su muerte. Very little is thought about his death.SÃ © bien la verdad. I know reality well.Nunca sabemos el futuro. We never know what's to come. At the point when followed by an infinitive, saber regularly intends to know how: El que no sabe escuchar no sabe entender. The person who doesnt realize how to listen doesnt know how to understand.No saben escribir en cursiva. They dont realize how to write in cursive.El problema period que los dos no sabã amos nadar. The issue was that both of us didnt realize how to swim. Saber can intend to discover. This is particularly obvious when it is utilized in the preterite tense: Supe que todos tenemos cosas en comã ºn. I discovered that we all have things in common.Nunca supieron que estaban equivocados. They never discovered that they were mixed up. In setting, saber can be utilized to state to have news about a person or thing: No sã © nothing de mi madre. I dont have any report about my mom. The expression saber a can be utilized to show what something possesses a flavor like: Yo no he comido iguana, pero se dice que sabe a pollo. I havent eaten iguana, yet they state it poses a flavor like chicken. Recollect that saber is conjugated sporadically.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Narritive Essay Topics
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Narritive Essay Topics The Secret to Narritive Essay Topics A narrative essay is permissive in terms of picking the topic. Writing a great narrative essay is dependent mostly on the subject you chose. Deciding upon the subject of your essay provides you with an advantage in the feeling that you're able to write about something you're passionate ambitious. Picking the topic for your essay could possibly be the hardest part. The very first point to do is to make an outline of the topic you opt for. It isn't always simple to select a great topic and story for this kind of essay. Deciding upon the proper topic may be a true problem, but we are here in order to get you inspired. Narrative essays are told from a defined point of view, frequently the author's, so there's feeling in addition to specific and frequently sensory details supplied to find the reader involved with the elements and sequence of the story. The thought of a compelling first-person narration isn't the just one. Don't forget that although the major element of a narrative is the story, details have to be carefully selected to support, explain, and improve the story. In a narration, it's helpful to comprehend who is who. Narrative essays don't have such arguments. Narratives are aimed toward telling about yourself. Taking a visit to a new location, you gain new insights. A writer needs to be in a place to help the reader unders tand how a specific event sounded and even in a number of the cases felt to the touch. Well-written narratives figure out ways to involve the reader rather than simply retelling the events. Stories about traveling have an outstanding potential. What You Can Do About Narritive Essay Topics Starting in the Next Three Minutes Morality has a collection of unsolved problems, the solution on which usually presents a decision. In the majority of cases, the task requires to recognize a topic of your selection. Remember a topic can help determine the result of a narrative. Since the content of narratives essay can vary when it has to do with various institutions, we've resolved to supply you with examples in the event you face an issue. 5 paragraph narrative essay is a typical size that will enable you to cover the important points of the subject and reveal the plot to the readers. Don't utilize complex terms your readers desire a dictionary or thesaurus to comprehend. If necessary , you can change the quantity of body paragraphs based on the topic. It's personal enough, it enables you to play with words, and it's both interesting and edifying for the general public. Narritive Essay Topics Secrets That No One Else Knows About Think about a time once you taught somebody to do something outside school. Keep a steady stream of details coming from 1 paragraph to the next, which makes it straightforward for the reader to stay informed about the events in the order they happened. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. A time once you received help from a comprehensive stranger 33. The New Angle On Narritive Essay Topics Just Released At times it can be challenging to write really intriguing and exciting essay of the great quality. Before writing a narrative essay for college or higher school, you want to understand how pr ecisely you can tell whether a narrative actually is a story. Be conscious of the size it must be and begin writing the narrative essay outline. In the essay, reflect on just what the story shows about the person that you are thinking about. The Importance of Narritive Essay Topics When you compose a narrative essay, you're telling a story. You are aware of how it is when you're reading an excellent story and it goes sour on you within an incredibly limited time. Telling a story isn't always straightforward and telling a fantastic story is even harder. It's better to write and share your individual stories with different men and women. A superb narrative essay should capture the interest of your readers. Don't forget that the objective of your story is to really tell it, not to convince your reader that you're right. A selection of good personal narrative topics is important, as it ought to be interesting for readers. Normal essay morality topics are always a prosperous choice because it's simple to evoke a whole lot of interest and curiosity in the reader after you use any of them. There's more than 1 way to compose a narrative essay. If that's the case, then you ought to attempt writing narrative essays. Therefore, you've got to find good narrative essay topics by yourself. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. It is impossible to compose a perfect essay from beginning to finish in 1 go. Describe what happed and the way that it made you feel, or the way it changed you. The Ugly Side of Narritive Essay Topics It is essential that you set the tone of your essay from the start. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics as you need opposing points you may counter to your own points. If you haven't written any narration essays before, you ought to read works of different students to fully grasp how to develop a structure, the way to use your private narrative ideas, and wha t topics it is possible to utilize. Narrative essays serve broad array of purposes. The Fundamentals of Narritive Essay Topics Revealed The tricky thing about the narrative essay is there are always some limits to the sum of content you'll be able to supply your readers with. Although you may make a typical story sound spectacular using the ideal words and the suitable technique, more than often the topic receives the credit for a valuable object of work. Try to remember you've seen and felt something in real and the sole approach to let others do the exact same is to use the ideal words. The author takes the recent media and political climate in the usa and investigates the issues in a manner that will force you to shake your head. Introducing Narritive Essay Topics Such approach always pays off because it offers you a special insight into the practice of essay writing that is directed at achieving excellent outcomes. Consider what steps you took to obtain a solution. Just make sure you're following your instructor's guidelines and understand how to construct a narrative essay from starting to end. To steer you on your journey here are a couple of tips.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Form, Content, and Subject Matter - 1746 Words
Form, Content, and Subject Matter GENZ 220Z-Art Critique Paper Shelby M. Dykes In this paper, I will discuss the form, content, and subject matter of three different paintings. Each of the paintings represents the following: representational painting, abstract painting, and a portrait. The paintings I have chosen are: Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks 1942, Wassily Kodinsky’s Colour Studies: Squares and Concentrentic Circles 1913, and Pablo Picasso’s Self-Portrait 1907. Representational paintings show clear objects or events and have a clear subject matter in the painting. The subject matter is quite evident in Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks. The subject matter is the dominating, brightly lit diner. The diner is proportionately large. It is built on†¦show more content†¦I can almost picture Kandinsky’s brush moving around the painting in quick, swooping motions. The linear design of the painting is clear with the vertical and horizontal, fine lines painted as squares. Without a doubt, the â€Å"all-at –onceness†of the painting is created by the color. Kandinsky used such a wide range of color techniques that when I close my eyes upon viewing the painting, the image is still present. The colors are bright primary and secondary colors mixed with more earthy hues. The two overlapping circles on the bottom left are made evident by the low value of the green mixing with the saturated red to create almost a black. The contrast created by the black and yellow square touching is eye-catching. The gradation in the upper left square is evident by the continuous changes from the swirl surrounding the circle. It changes from yellow to green, then to blue and back to yellow! Can you feel the excitement in my description? This is what the painting makes me feel while participating. Despite the sectioned off circles and squares, the painting demonstrates unity. That is, the painting forms togetherness, despite contrasts of details and regions. Th e color also helps define the depth. As depth was clearly seen in Nighthawks, the depth of Colour Studie is not as readily evident. Look at the bottom left square. The circle seems somewhat flat. Now view the upper left square. It gives the feeling of protrusion. It seems as if the circle is popping out of theShow MoreRelatedWhat did Georg Simmel seek to demonstrate through his â€Å"formal†sociology?1582 Words  | 7 PagesWhat did Georg Simmel seek to demonstrate through his â€Å"formal†sociology? Georg Simmel (1858 - 1918) was living in Berlin at a time when Sociology was beginning to form as a science, most notably with the work of Comte setting up the positivist methodology of studying society. In the intellectual world he was an outsider and struggled, becoming a full professor without a chair only in 1901. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Understanding Criminals Essay - 978 Words
It is hard for anyone to grasp the concept or be able to understand why people commit heinous crimes or engage in criminal activities. We as human beings are all capable of committing or engaging in delinquent behavior. What stands in the way of a person that makes them decided to engage in deviant behavior or to choose not to commit crimes at all? We may never truly know or understand the real reasons behind why certain people make decisions like these everyday. Early philosophers and scientists looked carefully and dug deep into the Criminal Justice System and the behavior of criminals using theories to explain criminal behavior. With these theories they were able to come up two distinctive schools (Classical and Positive) that explained†¦show more content†¦Using a specific time, measurement of data (crunching numbers), is known as Qualitative. The way that people use these terms depends greatly on how they understand them and how they are using them at a given time, theo ries can also help us understand our social norms. Having a good theory is to be able to understand all the areas that the theory deals with, it is not only easier on you as the researcher, but it is also easier for you to understand what other theorist was writing about. One of the oldest conceptions about the Criminal Justice System and crime emerged out of the eighteenth century, best known as the Classical School of criminology. During this period theorist paved a way for some basic ideas about the operation of the Criminal Justice System and the processing of sentencing. The Classical School was not interested in studying criminals but more focused on lawmaking and the legal process. Best known for their works and were the most influential during this time was philosophers Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria. The Classical School concept believes that people have the free will in making their own decisions, not based on any prior experiences, and the punishment can be the deterrence part for others. The school saw two forms of deterrence specific and general. Specific is giving an offender the most sever punishment to deter them from repeating. General was applied to show others that aShow MoreRelated1.Understanding The Criminal Behavior System An d Crime1683 Words  | 7 Pages1. Understanding the criminal behavior system and crime typologies that the book demonstrates; it is kind of hard to distinguish what type of serial killer Robert Durst is. Judging from the book examples of different type of serial killers, I would have to say Robert Durst is a hybrid serial killer. While some of his actions from the video series, â€Å"The Jinx†, lead me to feel as if he was an expedience killer who wants to protect themselves from a perceived threat as the book states. Some of Durst’sRead MoreA New Understanding Of Criminal Behavior978 Words  | 4 Pagesappetite of a sadistic murder. he lacks of fear after committing such malicious crimes show that they thrive for acts of power and control to operate fully. Therefore, neurological research has been done on those who claim to have a new understanding of criminal behavior. For instance, imagine a high speeding vehicle with no active brakes It s helpful to think of them as high-speed vehicles with ineffective brakes; the imbalance is similar to the hormone brain structure of a psychopath. ConsideringRead MoreJeffrey Dahmer : Understanding Criminal Minds2895 Words  | 12 Pages A Jeffrey Dahmer Story Tyler Jones Understanding Criminal Minds December 1, 2014 Jeffrey Dahmer Fantasies can be strengthened by great amount of sex drive that assists in unusual behaviors; sexual murders are based on fantasies. The purposes of the fantasies are to take control of the victims; the killer wants the control because he/she has sought it since childhood. It is known that very few serial killers have healthy relation with their parents.†¨ â€Å"Jeffrey was born on MayRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Officer Or Warden?854 Words  | 4 Pagesthat are most important in criminal justice and those are Characteristics of the Information and Characteristics of the Perceiver. I chose to talk about Characteristics of the Perceiver because it holds a lot of relevance in today’s criminal justice world. As a hopeful Warden I understand the value of psychology and understanding how people work. I also know that in today’s day and age that joining the criminal justice field is a hard thing to do. I feel like understanding the psychological conceptsRead MoreEvaluating The Psycholegal Abilities Of Young Offenders With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder1427 Words  | 6 Pagesthis is nothing, but it is a big deal. As the child grows into adulthood they can face many difficulties like understanding authority figures or law enforcement. As previous researchers show, individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) are a potentially vulnerable group of offenders that would required to have procedural protection due to their lack of comprehension in a criminal justice situation. Kaitlyn McLachlan, Department of Pediatrics in University of Alberta, Ronald Roesch, JodiRead MoreSociology: How Reference Groups Influence Our Lives Essay896 Words  | 4 Pagessome groups behave as they do. The way to clarify the way a person behaves is through the knowledge about what kind of reference group that the person looks upon and does not. My reference groups are executives, top students, uneducated people, and criminal. The first reference groups serve as positive reference group because I would wish to belong in the executives groups. Being an executive and manage a company has been my aspiration since I watch the way they work and act from news and movies.Read MoreUnderstanding Comparison in Criminal Justice Research vs. Criminal Justice Research and Practice993 Words  | 4 Pagestext, I carry out an analysis of two articles. In so doing, I will compare and contrast both the methods utilized in each article as well as the findings of each. The two articles in this case are Understanding Comparison in Criminal Justice Research: An Interpretive Perspective by Max Travers and Criminal Justice Research and Practice: Diverse Voices from the Field by Michelle Newton-Francis. Discussion To begin with, the articles developed by the authors in this case are both interesting andRead MoreEyes in the Stranger by Albert Camus Essay928 Words  | 4 PagesIn The Stranger, Albert Camus personifies eyes as a source of knowledge. Characters come upon knowledge through many different sources from touch to hearing. The knowledge gained through eyes can range from, self discovery to understanding events taking place. Eyes and knowledge all seem to be related to Meursault. Meursault’s ability to understand events and circumstances depends on his clarity of vision. Unlike other characters, Meursault’s eyes do not provide knowledge, thus leaving charactersRead MoreMy Understanding Of Empathy As A Social Worker s Client Share The Affective Part Of The Message908 Words  | 4 PagesShulman defined empathy as â€Å"helping the client share the affective part of the message; a social worker’s effort to feel, as best as possible, the emotions of the clientâ € (2009, p.815). My understanding of empathy is the emotional ability to understand the client’s current situation, and the ability to understand what the client’s situation is without actually experiencing it. It is about having the ability to listen and hear what the client is saying. Being able to understand where the clientRead MoreHow Psychological Research Has Helped in the Understanding of Criminal Behaviour2952 Words  | 12 PagesHow psychological research has helped in the understanding of criminal behaviour Bandura (1961) - Bobo doll experiment - Albert Bandura created the bobo doll experiment in 1961, the aim of this experiment was to show that if children where witnesses to aggressive displays by an adult of some sort they would imitate this behaviour when given an opportunity. The tested group contained 36 young girls and 36 young boys all aged between 4 and 5 years which was then divided into 3 groups of 24 – the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Alice in Credit Card Land Essay Example For Students
Alice in Credit Card Land Essay Sam Vaknins Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web SitesYour credit card is stolen. You place a phone call to the number provided in your tourist guide or in the local daily press. You provide your details and you cancel your card. You block it. In a few minutes, it should be transferred to the stop-list available to the authorization centres worldwide. From that moment on, no thief will be able to fraudulently use your card. You can sigh in relief. The danger is over. But is it ? It is definitely not. To understand why, we should first review the intricate procedure involved. In principle, the best and safest thing to do is call the authorization centre of the bank that issued your card (the issuer bank). Calling the number published in the media is second best because it connects the cardholder to a volunteer bank, which caters for the needs of all the issuers of a given card. Some service organizations (such as IAPA the International Air Passengers Association) provide a similar service. The catering bank accepts the call, notes down the details of the cardholder and prepares a fax containing the instruction to cancel the card. The cancellation fax is then sent on to the issuing bank. The details of all the issuing banks are found in special manuals published by the clearing and payments associations of all the banks that issue a specific card. All the financial institutions that issue Mastercards, Eurocards and a few other more minor cards in Europe are members of Europay International (EPI). Here lies the first snag : the catering bank often mistakes the identity of the issuer. Many banks share the same name or are branches of a network. Banks with identical names can exist in Prague, Budapest and Frankfurt, or Vienna, for instance. Should a fax cancelling the card be sent to the wrong bank the card will simply not be cancelled until it is too late. By the time the mistake is discovered, the card is usually thoroughly abused and the fina ncial means of the cardholder are exhausted. Additionally, going the indirect route (calling an intermediary bank instead of the issuing bank) translates into a delay which could prove monetarily crucial. By the time the fax is sent, it might be no longer necessary. If the card has been abused and fraudulent purchases or money withdrawals have been debited to the unfortunate cardholders bank or credit card account the cardholder can reclaim these charges. He has to clearly identify them and state in writing that they were not effected by him. A process called chargeback thus is set in motion. A chargeback is a transaction disputed within the payment system. A dispute can be initiated by the cardholder when he receives his statement and rejects one or more items on it or when an issuing financial institution disputes a transaction for a technical reason (usually at the behest of the cardholder or if his account is overdrawn). A technical reason could be the wrong or no signature, wro ng or no date, important details missing in the sales vouchers and so on. Despite the warnings carried on many a sales voucher (No Refund No Cancellation) both refunds and cancellations are daily occurrences. To be considered a chargeback, the card issuer must initiate a well-defined dispute procedure. This it can do only after it has determined the reasons invalidating the transaction. A chrageback can only be initiated by the issuing financial institution. The cardholder himself has no standing in this matter and the chargeback rules and regulations are not accessible to him. He is confined to lodging a complaint with the issuer. This is an abnormal situation whereby rules affecting the balances and mandating operations resulting in debits and credits in the bank account are not available to the account name (owner). The issuer, at its discretion, may decide that issuing a chargeback is the best way to rectify the complaint. The following sequence of events is, thus, fairly common : 1. The cardholder presents his card to a merchant (aka : an acceptor of payment system cards). 2. The merchant may request an authorization for the transaction, either by electronic means (a Pointof Sale / Electronic Fund Transfer apparatus) or by phone (voice authorization). A merchant isobliged to do so if the value of the transaction exceeds predefined thresholds. But there are othercases in which this might be either a required or a recommended policy. 3. If the transaction is authorized, the merchant notes down the authorization reference number andgives the goods and services to the cardholder. In a face-to-face transaction (as opposed to a phoneor internet/electronic transaction), the merchant must request the cardholder to sign the sale slip. Hemust then compare the signature provided by the cardholder to the signature specimen at the backof the card. A mismatch of the signatures (or their absence either on the card or on the slip)invalidate the transaction. The merchant will then provide the cardholder with a receipt, normallywith a copy of the signed voucher. 4. Periodically, the merchant collects all the transaction vouchers and sends them to his bank (theacquiring bank). 5. The acquiring bank pays the merchant on foot of the transaction vouchers minus the commissionpayable to the credit card company. Some banks pre-finance or re-finance credit card salesvouchers in the form of credit lines (cash flow or receivables financing). 6. The acquiring bank sends the transaction to the payments system (VISA International or EuropayInternational) through its connection to the relevant network (VisaNet, in the case of Visa, forinstance). 7. The credit card company (Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club) credits the acquirer bank. 8. The credit card company sends the transaction to the issuing bank and automatically debits theissuer. 9. The issuing bank debits the cardholders account. It issues monthly or transaction related statementsto the cardholder. 10. The car dholder pays the issuing bank on foot of the statement (this is automatic, involuntarydebiting of the cardholders account with the bank). Some credit card companies in some territories prefer to work directly with the cardholders. In such a case, they issue a monthly statement, which the cardholder has to pay directly to them by money order or by bank transfer. The cardholder will be required to provide a security to the credit card company and his spending limits will be tightly related to the level and quality of the security provided by him. The very issuance of the card is almost always subject to credit history and to an approval process in Europe. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about credit card issuers in the USA. This lackadaisical vigilance, the monpolistic practices of certain credit card companies, the Kafkaesque procedures and the arbitrariness of the results put both merchants and credit card holders at risk. Whatever it is that credit card companies provide i t is not guaranteed payment or secure refunds. .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d , .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .postImageUrl , .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d , .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d:hover , .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d:visited , .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d:active { border:0!important; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d:active , .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u41af7c94d186e5885f2045fe3434108d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Road to Teenage Pregnancy Essay
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
1533-1584 Essays - Political Philosophy, Politics, Socialism
1533-1584 The Russian Empire, covering over one-sixth of the world, is governed by the sovereignty of Czar Ivan the Terrible. The feudal system oppresses every man, woman and child as the Czar releases "Tax Collectors" to maintain support for the nobles in the land. Brigands and financial extortionists persecute any lower class citizen who refuses to help contribute to the Czar's regime. 1682-1725 Under Czar Peter I (Peter the Great), the Russian Empire begins to flourish with traces of traditional social structure modifications in the country. Observing the radical advances of western civilizations, Peter orders the modernization of the army, creation of a navy, encourages mercantilism and foreign trade, and gives women more rights. Nevertheless, the Empire remains stricken in poverty over slow reforms and the overbearing presence of feudalism. 1825-1861 The feudal system begins to fail when the goals and desires of the common peasant cannot be achieved through such an archaic doctrine. Various successive Czars attempt social reforms which do not leave an impact on the country's well-being. In December of 1825, an uprising from the populace occures when they demand changes to the economic system. With the development of the American, French and Spanish constitutions, the serfs now demanded the abolishment of the monarchy dictatorship, communal ownership of land and many other civil and social reforms. Unfortunately, their rebellion was quickly dismantled by the Czar's military faction and the system remained in tact. 1861-1905 Czar Nicholas II finally realized that his current economic monarchy was holding back the development of the empire. He therefore created a parliamentary system in 1905 which would decrease the number of strikes and violent outbursts generating from the peasants. This representative assembly (called a Duma) was convened a total of four times during the first World War and gave legitimacy to other political factions within the empire and would hopefully increase civil rights. 1917-1924 World War I led to the abdication (resignation) of the Czar as the people revolted against his useless monarchy. Famine, disease and death were spreading like wildfire as the Russians aided France against the militia of Germany during World War I. The population lost its faith in the monarchy and installed a provisional government that would keep the country from disintegrating. However, this government refused to intervene during the fragile years of the war and lost its power to a communist party called the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Nikolai Lenin), overthrew the provisional government and implemented their style of authority to the empire. Their objectives were to lead the Russian empire into prosperity while utilizing Karl Marx's proposed doctrine for a communal, classless environment where the workers will be using their abilities to satisfy their own needs. The Union was now born and the Communist Manifesto was finally going to be activated. The C zar and his family were captured and executed, thus ending the oppressive autocracy that had befallen the empire for hundreds of years. Eventually, the central government was overtaken by Lenin and his military leaders, Leon Trotsky and Josef Stalin. Although a minority party, the Bolsheviks decided to implement capitalistic modifications to the fragile economy in order to aid the communistic backlash that would follow. The New Economic Policy (NEP) created by Lenin would allow peasants to keep a certain amount of profit for themselves, rather than having the government subsidize all of it. Unfortunately, Lenin died just as his policy had started to work. 1925-1953 The two apparent heirs to Lenin's regime were Josef Stalin and Leon Trotsky. Although Trotsky was better suited for the position (with his strong political inclinations towards reasonable social adaptability), Josef Stalin assumed controlled and subsequently ordered the exile of all apposing cabinet ministers, including Trotsky. Anyone in the Union who objected to his decisions was sent to Siberian prison camps or murdered. He now had full control without any intervention from other liberal or moderate parties. He decided to concentrate on improving military strength and building on improving the Soviet economy, rather than follow Lenin's revolutionary goal of dominating the world. In order to obtain the immense amount of money needed to maintain his militia, he began a series of five year programs which would force the average farmer to meet a quota by the end of the harvest and then have the state subsidize all of the production. This system, aptly named collectivization, reprimanded all of the average worker's liberties and created great suffering during the Stalin regime. Such suffering was magnified during an anti-war treaty that Stalin had signed with Hitler's Germany in an effort to avoid a confrontation with the Nazi military. However, Hitler violated this treaty in an effort to dominate all
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Free Essays on Langston
Langston Hughes achieved fame as a poet during the burgeoning of the arts known as the Harlem Renaissance, but those who label him "a Harlem Renaissance poet" have restricted his fame to only one genre and decade. In addition to his work as a poet, Hughes was a novelist, columnist, playwright, and essayist, and though he is most closely associated with Harlem, his world travels influenced his writing in a profound way. Langston Hughes followed the example of Paul Laurence Dunbar, one of his early poetic influences, to become the second African American to earn a living as a writer. His long and distinguished career produced volumes of diverse genres and inspired the work of countless other African American writers. Although his youth was marked with transition, Hughes extracted meaning from the places and people whence he came. The search for employment led his mother and step-father, Homer Clark, to move several times. Hughes moved often between the households of his grandmother, his mother, and other surrogate parents. One of his essays claims that he has slept in "Ten Thousand Beds." Growing up in the Midwest (Lawrence, Kansas; Topeka, Kansas; Lincoln, Illinois; Cleveland, Ohio), young Hughes learned the blues and spirituals. He would subsequently weave these musical elements into his own poetry and fiction. In a Cleveland, Ohio, high school, Hughes was designated "class poet" and there he published his first short stories. He became friends with some white classmates, yet he also suffered racial insult at the hands of other whites. He learned first-hand to distinguish "decent" from "reactionary" white folks, distinctions he would reiterate in his book Not Without Laughter and in his "Here to Yonder" columns in The Chicago Defender. Seeking some consolation and continuity in the midst of the myriad relocations of his youth, he grew to love books. His love of reading developed into a desire to write as he sought to replicate t... Free Essays on Langston Free Essays on Langston Langston Hughes achieved fame as a poet during the burgeoning of the arts known as the Harlem Renaissance, but those who label him "a Harlem Renaissance poet" have restricted his fame to only one genre and decade. In addition to his work as a poet, Hughes was a novelist, columnist, playwright, and essayist, and though he is most closely associated with Harlem, his world travels influenced his writing in a profound way. Langston Hughes followed the example of Paul Laurence Dunbar, one of his early poetic influences, to become the second African American to earn a living as a writer. His long and distinguished career produced volumes of diverse genres and inspired the work of countless other African American writers. Although his youth was marked with transition, Hughes extracted meaning from the places and people whence he came. The search for employment led his mother and step-father, Homer Clark, to move several times. Hughes moved often between the households of his grandmother, his mother, and other surrogate parents. One of his essays claims that he has slept in "Ten Thousand Beds." Growing up in the Midwest (Lawrence, Kansas; Topeka, Kansas; Lincoln, Illinois; Cleveland, Ohio), young Hughes learned the blues and spirituals. He would subsequently weave these musical elements into his own poetry and fiction. In a Cleveland, Ohio, high school, Hughes was designated "class poet" and there he published his first short stories. He became friends with some white classmates, yet he also suffered racial insult at the hands of other whites. He learned first-hand to distinguish "decent" from "reactionary" white folks, distinctions he would reiterate in his book Not Without Laughter and in his "Here to Yonder" columns in The Chicago Defender. Seeking some consolation and continuity in the midst of the myriad relocations of his youth, he grew to love books. His love of reading developed into a desire to write as he sought to replicate t...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Architectural Forms in the Computer Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Architectural Forms in the Computer Age - Essay Example More evidently it has resulted in the translation of complex geometrical forms into architectural designs. This can be perceived by observing the innovative and complex forms that the later buildings predominantly adopt. As seen by Bart Lootsma (Zellner 1999), "instead of trying to validate conventional architectural thinking in a different realm, our strategy today should be to infiltrate architecture with other media and disciplines to produce a new crossbreed." Computational design processes is characterized by flexibility, speed, precision and the fact that it allows one to clearly visualize the forms and spaces with the help of animation and rendering. Hence the use of computer technology in architecture is highly rewarding and leads to solutions for a number of issues. The common most positive outcome is that it has become increasingly easier to conceptualize complex geometrical forms and perform various calculations upon it to generate a design that can be practically executed. The technology also allows performing complex structural and environmental calculations with the output data giving precise information regarding the building's performance in various aspects. Further, the modification s and improvements in design have become extremely rapid and it has become highly convenient to transfer or share data and information between the team members of a project, at times sitting across the globe. This technology also offers great precision as compared to manual work. The word 'Digital architecture' refers to the architecture that is generated with this kind of high end computer technology. Such architecture does not only deal with the designing of forms but also with the construction and fabrication of the building on site with the use of computers. This essay explains and describes the computational architectural technology in the digital age through design process, design analysis and building construction process of some recent projects. The role of CAD-CAM It is only since the last few years that the Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) have began influencing the field of architecture. Realizing of complex and geometrical shapes became possible with the inception of this technology. This has helped in realizing possibility to design and construct buildings which seemed to be difficult and expensive when designed in the traditional manner. Note the below placed images of the Empire State building and the millennium tower in Tokyo, the former resembles the architecture of non-digital age as in 1930s. These forms predominantly rely upon repetitive geometry to achieve structural stability. The latter is a product of digitally generated form with the geometry that changes with its height. This is precisely controlled with computed calculations. The design of the digitally evolved form is more complex geometry and depends primarily upon its form for its structural stability rather than it's mass. The present essay discusses the use of computer technology in some of the advanced buildings designed by Foster and Associates. The digital architecture
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Recommendations to Chief Librarian of the Medical Library Essay
Recommendations to Chief Librarian of the Medical Library - Essay Example However, though its base is of DDC it is much more powerful than it. In UDC, auxiliary points are put to practice so as to indicate various special aspects of a subject and also to point out relationships between objects. We can therefore state that it contains faceted or analytico-synthetic element that has been used in specialty libraries like medical libraries. Thus, the acceptance virtues of UDC can be considered to be many and thus its acceptance can be said to be numerous. We would now like to throw some light on the development aspects of UDC. It is essential to note that need is the father of invention. Thus, the development of UDC has been taking place since years based on the requirements as considered essential by the libraries. For example, several crucial aspects have been added to UDC because of the necessity to meet the requirements in the medical library. However, it is essential to note that UDC is not restricted alone to libraries of medical science; several other libraries of various disciplines adopt the practice of UDC so as to be confirmed with a more systematic arrangement in the library system. The advantage of UDC is that the documents, which are taken by classification, can hold the presence of their existence in absolutely any form. The classification can be set on films, sound recordings, video, maps, illustrations, books, journals, ebooks, etc. Thus, the positive aspect of UDC as seen is worth the attention it has taken in the scientific scenario of libraries. The classification of UDC is based on Hindu-Arabic numeral and has its base on the decimal system. In the classification system, every number is being considered as a decimal fraction in which the initial decimal point is omitted, and is used to determine the order of filling. Thus, a very logical and scientific approach is being practiced in the classification as used in the UDC system. In order to add ease in reading, the UDC gains punctuation after every third digit, For example, if after 11 "Medical Sciences" comes the subdivisions 111 to 119; under 111 "Physiology" come its subdivisions 111.1 to 111.9; under 111.1 shall come all of its subdivisions before 111.2 occurs, and so on; after 119 comes 12. The greatest advantage of this system of classification of knowledge is that its infinite extensibility. This virtue of UDC prevents the disturbance of the library books even after new books touch the library desk. Another advantage of UDC is that the books can be arranged in several main categories. In addition, a document can be classified under a combination of different categories through the practice of additional symbols. The UDC system of classification also presents itself with the advantage of being designed in a manner that it can readable by the machine. The machine
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Human Resources Essay Example for Free
Human Resources Essay Human Resource Policies Assessing personnel needs HR must be approachable if an employee seeks advice regarding employment Recruiting personnel         Recruitment must be objective and has to meet the standards of the company Screening personnel Applicants must be screened in an objective manner and test their aptitude for the job Selecting and hiring personnel  Upon selection, the hired applicants will be more than qualified for the job applied for Orienting new employees to the organization  Newly-hired employees are oriented by the company guided by its mission and vision Deciding compensation issues Compensation and other benefits should be discussed upon signing the contract. Benefits and Compensation Basic Salary      The monthly wages that an employee must received due to work rendered. Night Differential      An employee who works from 10pm until 6am will get a 30% of his basic salary Fringe Benefit      Employees should be complemented with the following: housing, group insurance (health, dental, life etc.), income protection, retirement benefits,daycare, tuition reimbursement, sick leave, vacation (paid and non-paid), social security, profit sharing, funding of education, and other specialized benefits.     Employee awards Prolific          An employee is award because he works more than is required. Efficiency          An employee is awarded because of his work ethic and objectivity Resourcefulness        An employee is rawwarded due to his ability to find alternatives for the betterment of the job Customer Satisfaction It is always a company standard to treat a client in a proper manner, so as to make an increase in sales. Such award given to the employee makes him a role model for other employees. Innovative An employee is given this award because he strives for progress Salesmanship An employee makes a transaction beyond his quota, sales of the company would increase and will give the company and the manufacturer a boost on their public relations. Citation: The Art of Motivation: An Incentive Industry Primer
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
European Imperialsim in Africa was Justified :: Politics Government
European Imperialism in Africa was Justified The first Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain. It led to a dramatic increase in factories, therefore a vast amount of manufactured goods. The demand for goods created by the Industrial Revolution helped clear the way for the Age of Imperialism because Great Britain and eventually all of Europe sought after more natural resources and raw materials. Imperialism is the policy in which a stronger country seeks to dominate a less developed country both politically and economically. Although the European imperialism of Africa was exploitive and self seeking, it was justified because it ultimately enhanced the growth and development of the African nations through new laws, government, well ordered finance and freedom form oppression. When the Europeans arrived in Africa, many would of thought that imperialism wasn?t fied because the Europeans were enslaving the Africans. As stated in David Diop's An Anthology of West African Verse, "And in the Conqueror's voice said, 'Boy! A chair, a napkin, a drink.'" Stated blatantly, the "conqueror" is a European, and he is commanding an African to serve him. Forcing Africans into slavery certainly doesn?t justify European imperialism in Africa, however, there are many reasons as to why imperialism actually was justified. One reason, is the fact that the raw materials the Europeans took from Africa were unused. As stated in Lord Frederick Lugard's, The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa, "Who can deny the right of the hungry people of Europe to utilize the wasted bounties of nature..." Lugard shows that Europe had the right to take raw materials from Africa because they were unused. This means those who argue that European imperialism in Africa was not justified because the Europeans simply took raw materials, are obviously mistaken. Another reason that European imperialism in Africa was justified, is the fact that Europeans did not take over Africa solely for their self interests. As plainly stated in excepts from Lord Carnarvon's records. " is certainly not a desire of selfish interests..." Clearly, those who argue that Europeans just wanted to benefit themselves through the imperialism of Africa, are incorrect. Unfortunately, even though European imperialism in Africa was justified, many Africans are still suffering from the effects to this day.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Cash Flows Larry D. Abernathy ACC 421/Intermediate Financial Accounting I Richard Burden Statement of Cash Flows The facts contained in the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement is connected by the bridge that is the statement of cash flows. By recording the flow of cash and cash equivalents into and out of the company the statement of cash flow is a good indicator of a company’s health. Thus, the purpose of the statement of cash flow is to reflect in record form the cash balances reflected in the balance sheet.The statement of cash flow has three main sections and each section tells us a unique thing about the company. The operating section tells us how the company is generating and using cash to support its day to day activities. Specifically, it gives information about the payments for the sales of loans, debt or equity instruments in a trading portfolio, the interest payment, tax payment, payments to suppliers for goods and services, dividends on equ ity securities, interest received on loans, receipts received on loans and receipts from sale of goods and services.Also the cash flow statement helps assess the ability of the entity to pay its bills and meet its obligations. The investing section tells us how a company is using its cash to grow long-term. If you see a lot of investments outflow, that means that the company is investing in capital projects that will sustain its earnings in the long-term. It gives information about the investing activities that are used with operating activities. The cash that goes into the investing activity of the firm is disclose by the cash flow statement.This includes loans made to suppliers, assets like and, purchase. Financing sections tells us the equity and debt situation of the company or how a firm is raising money to support its short-term and long-term goals. In detail the cash in financing activities provides information about the proceeds from issuing shares, from issuing short term o r long term debt, from capital leases, repayment of debt principal, payments made for repurchase of shares and payments of dividends. Fundamentally, the purpose of the cash flow statement is to inform about the past sources of cash to forecast the bility of the entity's ability to generate a positive cash flow in the future. The cash flow statement provides information from where the entity's cash is coming from. Is it coming from operations mainly or it is coming from other sources. The cash flow statement also provides information about the effect of investment and financing on the operations of the business. There are three parts of the cash statement namely cash from operating activities, investing activities and financing activities.The cash flow statement gives us the opening balance of cash, the amount of cash received during the operating period, the amounts paid during the period, the net increase or decrease in cash for the period and the final cash flow balance. When asse ssing the financial strength of a business it is important to know the cash flow statement because it gives an idea if the firm will be able to pay salaries and other immediate expenses. The cash flow statement also gives information if the firm will be able to repay its creditor. The cash flow statement also informs the lender or potential lenders if the company is financially sound.The contractors and future employees can assess if the cash flows of the company will be able to pay them salaries. While assessing the financial strength of a business it is necessary to know the time, amount and chances of future cash flows, the cash flow statement provides this information. For assessing the financial strength of a firm it is important to compare the operating performance of different companies, the cash flow statement allows this comparison. Further, it is important to ass the changes in assets, liabilities and equity. The cash flow statement provides such an opportunity.Most import antly, it is necessary to know the liquidity and cash in hand of a firm. Essentially the cash flow statement helps assess the financial position of the company by indicating to an investor how much cash flowed into and out of the company over a period of time and in addition it helps reconcile the income statement with the balance sheet. The accounting assumptions that are used for preparing the income statement and the balance sheet are compared with the hard cash earned. No assumptions are made in the preparation of the cash flow statement, and there are not estimations in the cash flow statement.Finally, by closing observing the statement of cash flow, one can determine the solvency of a company and how liquid it is. Having excess cash is an indicator that a company is very liquid and will likely return money to the stakeholders and is likely to be in sound financial condition. If a company is struggling then it will have very little cash. It will struggle to meet its debt obliga tions and may go into bankruptcy as well. References The accounting process. (2010). Retrieved on December 12, 2012 from http://www. netmba. com/accounting/fin/process
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Orwells Motifs Of Time and History - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2964 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: 1984 Essay Did you like this example? The American writer William Faulkner said The past is never dead. Its not even past. 1984, by George Orwell, projects a dystopia where everything is under control of the government, known as the Party. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Orwells Motifs Of Time and History" essay for you Create order Winston Smith, a man who works for the Party in the Ministry of Truth, begins to see through the Partys corrupted rule of control and becomes discontent with the infinite time loop instilled by the Party. Winston sees how the past is constantly being rewritten and erased by the Party, and how the future is stalled beyond the looped oscillation of his current period. Relics of a time before the Partythe glass paperweight and Mr. Charringtons rhymeas well as the Partys control of time create a desire in Winston to discover a lost past and possible future beyond the manipulation of the Party. The Party features a totalitarian system of government, comprised of Ingsoc, Big Brother and the Thought Police, often boasting BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. Telescreens scrutinize the actions of every person, the Party regulates the memory and information of all the people, and any ideas or thoughts against the Party are considered thoughtcrime. Newspeak is one way this regulation is enforced. Talking to Winston in the canteen, Syme says Dont you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it (Orwell 72). As Syme points out, Newspeak limits and simplifies the use of words, including words that could be directed in hostility at or in opposition to the Party. Doublethink, in Oldspeak known as reality control, is the method in which people are to prevent themselves from committing thoughtcrime. Being a part of Newspeak, the term sounds relatively simpl e and straightforward, but there are several depths of doublethink instilled in the people to maintain the Partys control. Doublethink is the main principle exercised by the Party to keep everyones thoughts in check, but it is also used to negate past events. When thinking about doublethink, Winston reflects that it is the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed (Orwell 50). This complex and paradoxical concept of denial is to be applied to anything and everything. When looking over the Partys government, Winston realizes: The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture, and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink. For it is only by reconciling contradictions that power can be retained indefinitely. In no other way could the ancient cycle be broken. (Orwell 290) All of this manipulation is the Partys way of ensuring that if someone begins to deny or question the memory or information from Party, they are to force themselves to believe that the Party is always right, and forget that they ever thought about it. As a result, one can never really be aware of times progression, because the Party dictates what time it is and the people cannot believe differently. Winston evaluates It means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest (Orwell 284). Winston believes that Oceania was at war with Eurasia and in alliance with Eastasia. However when interrogating Winston, OBrien makes the point Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, has it not?, leading Winston to summarize That was doublethink (Orwell 452, 455). In David Dawns Truth and Freedom in Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four, he evaluates 1984s treatment of truth and how its linked to the pursuit of freedom. When analyzing the Partys honesty, Dawn writes The Partysponsors DoublethinkBut this seems to violate the basic grammar of belief. For something to be believed it must be deemed trueand for something to be true, it must at least make sense. Yet much of what the party endorses is totally senseless (Dawn 6). Doublethink is a significant factor, but is not the only efforts made by the Party to expunge trails of history. Exemplifying dictatorial control, the Party took its own measures to eradicate all records and documents of the past. In most buildings, but especially in offices where employees and members of the Party work, there are memory holes. These are used when one knew that any document was due for destruction (Orwell 53). They are a clear reference to doublethink, bearing the noun memory in their name and indicating that such information would not be forgotten, but then for that information to be devoured by flames. During Winstons interrogation, OBrien holds up a picture of three people from a news article that Winston had destroyed 11 years ago. When Winston exclaims that the article and picture exist, OBrien objects, dropping it into a memory hole and stating Ashes, not even identifiable ashes. Dust. It does not exist. It never existed. I do not remember it (Orwell 538). Actions such as these are testaments to Winstons observations about the past, as he thought If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, it never happened that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death (Orwell 49). With the help of memory holes and doublethink, the Party created a continuous time period, designing a past the Party desired with peoples memories being revised and all records undergoing amendments. Talking to Julia in the room, Winston realizes: Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been re-painted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. (Orwell 206) Despite the Partys regulation of history, Winston gathers hope that he will unearth the past that they have relentlessly nullified. Winston quickly becomes dissatisfied with the endless present mentioned earlier, and endeavors to uncover the lost past but also looks to see if a future is possible. At first, Winston concludes, The past was dead, the future was unimaginable (Orwell 38), seeing how history is halted and the existing time period is nonstop. Wondering if there would ever be a future, he begins to write a diary to a different time, but ponders How could you communicate with the future? It was of its nature impossible. Either the future would resemble the present, in which case it would not listen to [me], or it would be different from it, and [my] predicament would be meaningless (Orwell 14). To acquire some answers to his questions and thoughts, Winston talks to an older man in a bar, asking him questions about the past. Winston tells the old man You can remember what it was like in the old days, before the Revolution. People of my age dont really know anything about those times. We can only read about them in books, and what it says in the books may not be true (Orwell 121). Winston finds that the old man is not accurately answering his inquiries, but desperate to move beyond the Partys dictated time and learn more about a time different than his, Winston asks the huge and simple question, Was life better before the Revolution than it is now? (Orwell 125). Winston is left empty-handed with no further information, but he manages to finish the note in his diary, writing To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of un iformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink greetings! (Orwell 61). The old man provided no aid or new knowledge to Winston, but there are some concepts that accented his search enhanced his desire to discover unknown times. The rhyme introduced to Winston carried several connections to the lost past that increased Winstons desire to investigate times beyond the Partys manipulation. Winston meets an old man who owns a shop, Mr. Charrington. In search of the past, Winston is interested in a lot of the antiques found in Mr. Charringtons shop, including a rhyme from Mr. Charringtons childhood that goes Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St. Clementss! Mr. Charrington clarifies, It was just the names of churches. All the London churches were in itall the principal ones, that is (Orwell 179). Winston is immediately fascinated by the rhyme, finally finding some history that was untouched by the Party. Mr. Charrington eventually remembers the second line of the rhyme, You owe me three farthings, say the bells of St. Martins. All these mentions of ancient churches piques Winstons interest, as he wondered vaguely to what century the church belonged to (Orwell 179). Provided only small fragments of the puzzle by Mr. Charrington, Winston continues to delve into the history of the relic and its contents. Winston is unable to stop thinking about the rhyme: pieces of the lost past hes searching for, and weighs in, It was curious, but when you said it to yourself you had the illusion of actually hearing bells, the bells of a lost London that still existed somewhere or other, disguised and forgotten (Orwell 179). Malcolm Pittock writes about 1984s inhuman civilization in his essay, The hell of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Pittock accurately analyzes, It is Mr. Charrington who introduces Winston to Oranges and Lemonswhich stimulates Winston to imagine the bells of a lost London (Pittock 6). The rhymes ties to the past were not the only factors that encouraged Winstons quest. The drip of historical fragments also enlarged Winstons aspiration to learn more about previous times. Winston continues to acquire more bits of the rhyme, hearing the next line from Julia When will you pay me? say the bells of Old Bailey. The rhyme also leads him to more and more fragments of lost history. Winston finally meets with OBrien, a member of the Inner Party. In this reunion, Winston is eager to hear that OBrien is part of the Brotherhood, a secret rebel group against the Party, and uses this opportunity to find out more about the past. Winston asks OBrien about Mr. Charringtons rhyme, and when OBrien completes the rhyme Winston exclaims, You knew the last line! (Orwell 330). What makes the rhyme so important to Winston is that it opens up a new timeline that Winston is determined to study, as the rhyme had ties to places and periods he had never before seen. Winston considers it belonged to the vanished, romantic past, the olden time as he liked to call it (Orwell 316). Despite his efforts, however, Winston quest is cut short. In the room Mr. Charrington rented to him, Winston is apprehended. Just before the Thought Police storms in, Mr Charrington, also a member of the Thought Police, articulates through a telescreen the last line of the same rhyme that inspired Winston, saying And by the way, while we are on the subject, Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head! (Orwell 408). Mr. Charringtons rhyme was not the only antique that fed Winstons search for the past. The depiction portrayed by the glass paperweight that Winston acquires further enhances his desire to find the lost past. Winstons strong opposition to the Party and its government supported his search for the history that the Party has erased. When Winston first sees the paperweight in Mr. Charringtons shop, he observes, It was a heavy lump of glass, curved on one side, flat on the other side, making almost a hemisphere (Orwell 174). Of all the adjectives he could use, Winston describes the paperweight as a hemisphere not just because of its physical appearance, but also because it illustrates to him another part of the world that the Party has excluded from records. The essay, George Orwells Opaque Glass in 1984, written by John Lyons, goes over the significance of glass in the novel. Lyons similarly assesses, [the paperweight] represents a little chunk of history the Party has failed to corrupt (Lyons 7). Knowing how the Party has sealed away the Past, Winston is aware that any attempt to retrieve it would be crime, but that thought further motivates him to do so. Orwell narrates, It was as when Winston had gazed into the heart of the paperweight, with the feeling that it would be possible to get inside that glassy world, and that once inside it time could be arrested (Orwell 355). Winston still wants to probe the history of the paperweight and enter the past despite being aware that the Party has deemed such relics contraband. What the paperweight represented to Winston was not the only aspect that promoted Winstons pursuit of the lost past. The glass paperweights depth and intensity fuels Winstons ambition of recovering the history buried by the Party. Winston, upon spotting the paperweight, is immediately fascinated by its physical characteristics, and also by what he saw in it. Orwell writes What appealed to [Winston] about it was not so much its beauty as the air it seemed to possess of belonging to an age quite different from the present one. The soft, rain watery glass was not like any glass that he had every seen (Orwell 130). Winston does not recognize the physicality of the paperweight, as he has never before identified a piece of the past similar to the paperweight. Lyons summarizes, The surest from of the past [Winston] comes across is the glass paperweight he finds in Charringtons shop, and Pittock calculates, It is the paperweight, especially old and beautiful, that symbolizes not just the past but the difference of the past, and by implication a past that was not only different but better and inviolable (Lyons 7, Pittock 5). Winston is excited by this relic he has attained, finding in the paperweight a significant portion of the past. However, with the Partys surveillance of all the people, he feels the weight of of this unauthorized history, at one point questioning whether it was worth it to proceed with his endeavor. Orwell narrates that the paperweight was very heavy in [Winstons] pocket, but fortunately it did not make much of a bulge, the lump of glass in his pocket banged against his thigh at each step, and he was half minded to take it out and throw it away (Orwell 214, 226). The paperweight and its history bring several epiphanies to Winston, as he often evaluates the extent of the past it integrated. In the room Winston rents from Mr. Charrington, where his affairs between he and Julia take place, Winston looks into the paperweight, and finds: The inexhaustibly interesting thing was not the fragment of coral but the interior of the glass itself. There was such a depth of it, and yet it was almost as transparent as air. It was as though the surface of the glass had been the arch of the sky, enclosing a tiny world with its atmosphere complete. He had the feeling that he could get inside it, and that in fact he was inside it, along with the mahogany bed and the gateleg table and the clock and the steel engraving and the paperweight itself. The paperweight was the room he was in, and the coral was Julias life and his own, fixed in a sort of eternity at the heart of the crystal. (Orwell 326) At this point, Winston feels as he has surpassed the Party, finally entering into the history he was searching for, a history before the Party supervised the every action of each person. Nonetheless, likewise to the other ancient artifact, Mr. Charringtons rhyme, Winstons search for the past is terminated. After the Thought Police storm in to Winstons room, an officer destroys Winstons glass paperweight. Winston observes, Someone had picked up the glass paperweight from the table and smashed it to pieces on the hearthstone. The fragment of coral, a tiny crinkle of pink like a sugar rosebud from a cake, rolled across the mat. How small, thought Winston, how small it always was! (Orwell 505). Another epiphany of the paperweight, Winston becomes aware of the true size of the paperweight as he watches the core coral particle roll. Lyons concludes that the paperweight is a distorting lens so that [Winstons] sense of the past is as incomplete and as false as his sense of the present (Lyons 8). Winston perceives that the past in the paperweight contained lots of depth, but the true size of his current reality was incomparable to the smaller scale of the past he longs for. Time and history are significant motifs in 1984, and both are controlled by the Partys dictatorship over the people. Although the Party makes efforts to delete all and any records that were contrary to their regulated history, there are still fragments of the past rooted in times before the Partys manipulation. Winston is motivated by these relics, as they inspire him to delve into those roots and learn about what life was like before the Partys absolute rule. While unable to remain there as he truly wished, Winston temporarily enters the past he searched for, briefly liberated from the grasp of the Party. Therefore, despite Winstons numerous reflections and shortly living free, as Faulkner stated, the past is never dead the past can never be erased.
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