Friday, September 13, 2019

Managing Multiple Generations During Times of Change Research Paper

Managing Multiple Generations During Times of Change - Research Paper Example eration Y which represents the group of people currently joining the workforce is characterized with diverse and unique qualities that need to be carefully taken into consideration by firms and organizations at the onset of their employment (Asch, 2004). According to the Society of Human Resource Management in the United States, the future employees bear attributes which include being very techno-savvy, highly flexible as well as being able to do less monotonous jobs. This is contrary to the pre-boomers who are less flexible and enjoy doing the same work over and over again. They enjoy working smooth and well established systems which do not under go frequent changes. Recruitment and staffing agencies therefore require an understanding of the group of people who are presently seeking employment or are already employed. They need to understand what their needs and demands are and thus efficiently integrate them into the current workforce so as to ensure smooth transition between the generations. These processes pose great challenges to the recruiting agencies since they need to equip and familiarize themselves with the changing trends (Cowen, 2008). A lot of caution has to be undertaken since the emergence of an increasingly techno-savvy generation is characterized with a lot of bureaucracy as well as fraud. It is easy for job seekers to use fake certificates which may easily be mistaken as being the original documents. Leadership and talent has been greatly affected since organizations find it hard to maintain talents given that generation Y is characterized by movement from one firm to another in the aim of seeking a more fulfilling and dynamic fields. This has greatly affected the leadership structure of organizations given that the rate of employee turnover is very high. Some firms have been forced to retain those who should have gone on retirement in order to avoid leadership vacuum and to have people who are well versed with the operations of the

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