Saturday, December 28, 2019
How Do Gender and Race Influence on Negotiation - 1746 Words
Introduction-(1 page) Does gender influence how we negotiate, and how well we do? Does being a male or female affect our performance in a negotiation? Common logic tells us the answer is yes. Research concurs. Men and women differ in the way they view negotiations, the way they conduct negotiations, and even the outcome of negotiations. Being one gender puts us at an advantage to negotiate over being another gender. With the current style of negotiation, in the real world, men fare better in negotiations, such as in divorce settlements and salary negotiations than women. In the former women receive inferior settlements and in the later men receive higher raises. Why does this phenomenon exist? In a society, where gender roles are socialized into two district categories; male and female with distinctive characteristics assigned to each role; males assertive, confident, self-promoting, and demanding and females emotional, instinctive, cooperative and relational, we see these characteristics come to life in a negotiation situation. Additionally, one does not have to believe in the accuracy of these traits in order to be effected, one simply needs to be aware that these socialization exits. For the remainder of this paper I will call these role distinctions stereotyping of gender roles. Research shows that mere awareness of stereotypical categorization of male and female characteristics effect the way we negotiate. They effect both how you are perceived and how you response.Show MoreRelatedGender and Negotiation 1073 Words  | 4 Pagespage) Does gender influence how we negotiate, and how well we do? Does being a male or female affect our performance in a negotiation? Common logic tells us the answer is yes. Research concurs. Men and women differ in the way they view negotiations, the way they conduct negotiations, and even the outcome of negotiations. Being one gender puts us at an advantage to negotiate over being another gender. With the current style of negotiation, in the real world, men fare better in negotiations, such asRead MoreSummary Of Elizabeth Diazs I Am My Member 1505 Words  | 7 Pagescertain way. All we have to do is be able to compromise, like we do with family, friends, acquaintances, significant other and such. That is the only solution, because we all want to work together as a team and have a good time. Culture’s one uniquely different, we just have to go with it and be able to understand that is what is each and every culture is all about. I’m going to start off with a quote that is from Intercultural Communication Competence and Conflict Negotiation Strategies: PerceptionsRead More The Media As A social Problem Essay1731 Words  | 7 Pagesproblems, and help combat social ills that are considered normal patterns of behavior. Yet, the mass media has largely failed in addressing and helping to solve social problems. As seen through its presentation of the three major variables of race, class, and gender, the mass media has actually served to contribute to the social problems it covers, reinforcing them, and creating an inter-related cycle in which these problems continue. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;TV has become perhaps the primary vehicleRead MoreThe Media as a Social Problem Essay1748 Words  | 7 Pagesproblems, and help combat social ills that are considered normal patterns of behavior. Yet, the mass media has largely failed in addressing and helping to solve social problems. 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It is better to gather more information about the situation then to think the worse and mis judge someoneRead MoreHere Are My Members Of My Group : Elizabeth Diaz1492 Words  | 6 Pagescertain way all we ladies have to be able to compromise, like we do with family, friends, acquaintances, significant other and such. That is the only way because we all want to work together and be able to have a good time with that. Everybody’s cultu re is uniquely different we just have to go with it and be able to understand that is what her culture is all about. In the past when I took a class called Journalism 16: Race, Gender and the Media in Fresno, CA. Talked about the role of media in enablingRead MoreThe Sociological Concepts Of Globalization And Migration, Performativity And Patriarchal Ideology Essay1651 Words  | 7 Pagessubject to multiple types of discrimination and can be frowned upon. They are all elements that I am made up of but each concept is a mould which society determines that I do not fit into. They are also social constructs that need to be ‘performed’; they are born from socialization and interaction thus, susceptible to external influences and fluctuations in circumstance. In this essay, the sociological concepts of globalization/ migration, performativity and patriarchal ideology will be explored and appliedRead MoreWhat Is The Timeline Of Renegotiations For The NFL CBA1110 Words  | 5 Pagesforemost we must establish the timeline of renegotiations for the NFL CBA. In the light of the current NF L landscape I believe it is in the best interest of the NFL owner’s and the players to establish good faith in these negotiations, in order to do that I believe we should open negotiations at the end of the 2017 season. The reason the NBA and MLB were able to renew their respective CBA’s smoothly was because the relationships between the players and owners is strong and both understand that working togetherRead MoreThe American Association Of University Women1643 Words  | 7 Pages Throughout the history of the world, discrimination in all forms has been a constant battle; whether its race, gender, religion, beliefs, appearance or anything else that makes one person different from another, it’s happening every day. One significant discrimination problem the world population is battling, takes place in the work place. Women, who are as equally trained and educated, and with the same experience as men are not getting equal pay, â€Å"The American Associat ion of University WomenRead MoreThe American Association Of University Women1643 Words  | 7 Pages Throughout the history of the world, discrimination in all forms has been a constant battle; whether its race, gender, religion, beliefs, appearance or anything else that makes one person different from another, it’s happening every day. One significant discrimination problem the world population is battling, takes place in the work place. Women, who are as equally trained and educated, and with the same experience as men are not getting equal pay, â€Å"The American Association of University Women
Friday, December 20, 2019
Theories of Development - 1202 Words
The way we work with children and current practice is affected by theories of development which are written by many physcologists who have studied children and ways in which they develop. They have many varied ideas about how children learn. The physcologists have proposed different theories that they claim to explain children’s learning and how important the nature versus nurture argument is. Some of the physcologists and their theories are outlined in this essay. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Jean Piaget’s theory was that children learn through experience and how they change their perception of things based on what they have learned or experienced. They learn things at different ages and stages of their lives. As children experience†¦show more content†¦if the child does good work or has positive behaviour then they are awarded a house point which they accumulate and goes towards their house. At the end of the year the children that are in the house that gets the most points get a reward. Children are also rewarded with a star stamp on their hand that shows them that they have done well and also they can show their parents that they have done well. BEHAVIOURIST THEORY John B Watson’s theory was that children learn behaviour through watching others. He believed children could be trained into behaving in a positive manner. He used Pavlov’s theory of how to train dogs and believed we could condition children to behave appropriately. His theory influences current practice through how to inflict positive behaviour in children and to change their behaviour so children can learn new skills and basic behavioural principles. SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY Albert Bandura’s theory was that children learned behaviour through watching their parents, peers or other adults through social interaction. He didn’t believe that children’s behaviour could be trained but by observing their behaviour. He also believed that even though children learn a new behaviour doesn’t mean they will carry it out. he also said that children learn through socialising with others. Bandura’s theory has influenced current practice by encouraging and influencing good behaviour and building self esteem. HUMANIST Abraham Maslow’s theoryShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Development Theory1642 Words  | 7 PagesHuman development theories are theories intended to account for how and why people become, as they are. These theories provide the framework to clarify and organize existing observations and to try to explain and predict human behavior. It is important to recognize the complexity of human development and the theories that explain human development. (Berger, pg. 23). The three theories that have influenced by development are Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Theory, Abraham Maslow’s Humanism and Erik Erikson’sRead MoreTheories And Theories Of Human Development1337 Words  | 6 Pages10/11/17 Principles of Human Development Paper #1 The concepts and theories of human development are important for a school counselor to have knowledge on. Knowledge on these topics can aid the counselor in better understanding the circumstances of their students. There are three main developmental sections which will be discussed in this paper. Those three include physical development, cognitive development, and social development. Each section contains multiple theories and concepts that would beRead MoreTheories of Development6168 Words  | 25 PagesTheories of Development Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following theories relies on the understanding of internal drives and emotions to answer the whys of human development? A) Psychoanalytic B) Humanistic C) Biological D) Cognitive Answer: A Page Ref: 24 2) Psychoanalytic theorists suggests that human development depends on A) our ability to accommodate external stimuli. B) our ability to modify our behavior based on the prospect of rewards or punishmentRead MoreThe Theory Of Child Development858 Words  | 4 PagesSocial scientists have given us several theories on child development. There have been three influential theories that have really shaped how we look at the subject. Each one of these theories offers an insightful perspective that has been very influential in how we view child development. The first theory, we will delve into is George Herbert Meads Theory of the Social Self which focused on social interaction with developing human beings. Meads believed that, â€Å"a symbolic interactionist, saw theRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Development1196 Words  | 5 Pagessix main theories of human development these are: the Psychoanalytic theories, cognitive theories, behavioral and social cognitive theories, ethological theories, ecological theories, and eclectic theoretical orientation. Let’s explain a little more about the theories mentioned before. Psychoanalytic theories explain the human development as unconscious behaviors characteristics. The psychoanalytic theories was develop by Sigmund Freud between 1856 until 1939. The psychoanalytic theories was focusRead MoreThe Theories Of Child Development1084 Words  | 5 Pagesteachers and friends but also the important values and beliefs within their culture. All of this provides the foundations for cognitive development. As trainee teachers, it is fundamental that we have a deeper understanding of how children learn and how we can support learning. In order to do this we must first look at some of the theories of learning. Theories Prior to the early 20th century little interest was paid to how a child developed; indeed most early research appears to be based on abnormalRead MoreTheories Of Learning And Development Essay1581 Words  | 7 Pagesundoubtedly influenced theories of learning and development, they share similarities and differences in their views of child development. It would hence be useful to examine these by evaluating their views regarding what development is, how it occurs, and whether phases of development exist. It is important to first establish Vygotsky, Piaget, and Skinner’s views regarding what development is. Piaget and Vygotsky have more similarities in their views of what a child’s development is compared to SkinnerRead MoreThe Theory Of Child Development1053 Words  | 5 PagesArt educators that consider theories of child development when creating lesson plans, are more effective. As art educators, we understand that it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on the latest research of art development in order to better serve our educational institutions through providing a quality art education for the future generations of innovators in America. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development stages thoroughly explain the biological transition that occurs in elementary schoolRead MoreTheories of Development Essay1581 Words  | 7 PagesTheories of Development Three different theorists were considered in this assignment. Two children were used to explore the theories of development by Piaget, Vygotsky and Kohlberg. One child tested was a fourteen-year-old female named Kari. Kari is currently at the grade 8 level and performs well academically. The other child tested was a six-year-old female named Meghan. Meghan is currently in Kindergarten. Meghan performs at an average level academically. The assigned tasks wereRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Development2064 Words  | 9 PagesThe life span theories is about four different theories; the psychoanalytic, behaviourism, cognitive and humanistic. Erikson has some similarities with Freud however it is extremely different in other ways. Rather than Erikson focusing on sexual interest as a driving force in development, he believed that social interaction and experience played a decisive role. Erikson has an eight stage theory of human development which describes the process from birth to death and the crisis of each stage brings
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Persuasive Essay Defining Freedom As Found In The Theme(S) Of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Example For Students
Persuasive Essay: Defining Freedom As Found In The Theme(S) Of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn EARLY INFLUENCES ON HUCKLEBERRY FINNMark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novelabout a young boys coming of age in the Missouri of the mid-1800s. Themain character, Huckleberry Finn, spends much time in the novel floatingdown the Mississippi River on a raft with a runaway slave named Jim. Before he does so, however, Huck spends some time in the fictional town ofSt. Petersburg where a number of people attempt to influence him. Before the novel begins, Huck Finn has led a life of absolutefreedom. His drunken and often missing father has never paid muchattention to him; his mother is dead and so, when the novel begins, Huck isnot used to following any rules. The books opening finds Huck living withthe Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Both women are fairly oldand are really somewhat incapable of raising a rebellious boy like HuckFinn. Nevertheless, they attempt to make Huck into what they believe willbe a better boy. Specifically, they attempt, as Huck says, to sivilizehim. This process includes making Huck go to school, teaching him variousreligious facts, and making him act in a way that the women find sociallyacceptable. Huck, who has never had to follow many rules in his life,finds the demands the women place upon him constraining and the life withthem lonely. As a result, soon after he first moves in with them, he runsaway. He soon comes back, but, even though he becomes somewhat comfortablewit h his new life as the months go by, Huck never really enjoys the life ofmanners, religion, and education that the Widow and her sister impose uponhim. Huck believes he will find some freedom with Tom Sawyer. Tomis a boy of Hucks age who promises Huck and other boys of the town a lifeof adventure. Huck is eager to join Tom Sawyers Gang because he feelsthat doing so will allow him to escape the somewhat boring life he leadswith the Widow Douglas. Unfortunately, such an escape does not occur. TomSawyer promises muchrobbing stages, murdering and ransoming people,kidnaping beautiful womenbut none of this comes to pass. Huck finds outtoo late that Toms adventures are imaginary: that raiding a caravan ofA-rabs really means terrorizing young children on a Sunday school picnic,that stolen joolry is nothing more than turnips or rocks. Huck isdisappointed that the adventures Tom promises are not real and so, alongwith the other members, he resigns from the gang. Another person who tries to get Huckleberry Finn to change isPap, Hucks father. Pap is one of the most astonishing figures in all ofAmerican literature as he is completely antisocial and wishes to undo allof the civilizing effects that the Widow and Miss Watson have attempted toinstill in Huck. Pap is a mess: he is unshaven; his hair is uncut andhangs like vines in front of his face; his skin, Huck says, is white like afishs belly or like a tree toads. Paps savage appearance reflects hisfeelings as he demands that Huck quit school, stop reading, and avoidchurch. Huck is able to stay away from Pap for a while, but Pap kidnapsHuck three or four months after Huck starts to live with the Widow andtakes him to a lonely cabin deep in the Missouri woods. Here, Huck enjoys,once again, the freedom that he had prior to the beginning of the book. Hecan smoke, laze around, swear, and, in general, do what he wants to do. .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e , .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .postImageUrl , .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e , .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e:hover , .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e:visited , .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e:active { border:0!important; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e:active , .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1bf75956bf1952a0a638a69330f28b4e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Universally Accepted Declaration of Human Rights EssayHowever, as he did with the Widow and with Tom, Huck begins to becomedissatisfied with this life. Pap is too handy with the hickory and Hucksoon realizes that he will have to escape from the cabin if he wishes toremain alive. As a result of his concern, Huck makes it appear as if he iskilled in the cabin while Pap is away, and leaves to go to a remote islandin the Mississippi River, Jacksons Island. It is after he leaves his fathers cabin that Huck joins yetanother important influence in his life: Miss Watsons slave, Jim. Priorto Hucks leaving, Jim has been a minor character in the novelhe has beenshown being fooled by Tom Sawyer and telling Hucks fortune. Huck findsJim on Jacksons Island because the slave has run awayhe has overheard aconversation that he will
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Real Life Service Organization Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Real Life Service Organization. Answer: There are various service organizations which fulfill our daily needs in everyday life. One such type of industry can be referred to as the hotel industry. This type of industry tries in satisfying the needs of the customers. From the past three years, I am working with the Marriott hotel and it had given me ample of opportunities to gather knowledge about the various kinds of services which are being provided by the hotel. I used to work as a chef in the hotel. I have gone through various kinds of experiences from the day I joined the hotel and till the day I have worked with them. I have come across the various kinds of departments in the hotel and it also gave me knowledge about the various kinds of departments in the hotel. There are two sub divisions which are associated in the operation of the hotel. They are classified into backend and frontend operations. Flowchart of the Frontend Operation of a hotel The first stage which is associated with the hotel is the face of the hotel. The face of the hotel is considered as the first point of contact for a visitor of that particular hotel and it is regarded as the foremost service which is provided to the guest. The operation in this phase comprises of the reception counter, reservation counter, desk manger, porter service and concierge service. It was very vital for me as a chef to keep myself up-to date with the latest information of the various departments in the hotel. It is my responsibility to check with the front desk manager about the guest who has checked in the hotel so as to get a proper idea of their choice of food and beverages (Baker, Bradley Huyton, 2011). The front end operation of a hotel plays a very vital role in the successful running of the hotel. The same is the case with Marriot hotel. When any guest walk into the hotel, the front desk manger welcomes and tries to solve his/her queries. After the guest is comfortable with the rules and regulations and with the price of the room, he/she has to approach the reservation counter to book a room in the hotel. It is very vital for the hotel to run the reservation counter properly because the customers will check the availability of the rooms and book them according to the availability. This also keeps the guest or the visitor informed and it is also vital for me to get a proper idea of the different guests who have checked into the hotel. After booking a room in the reservation counter, the guest has to visit the reception counter and the receptionist helps him/her with the various information of the hotel. I always stay in touch with the reception counter so that the visitors can cal l us and it becomes comfortable for the visitors to book on their behalf. The concierge counter is engaged with the task of fulfilling the request and wishes of the visitors. The concierge also tries to confirm that they fulfill all the requests of the customers. The guest finally visits the porter counter and then the porter carries the luggage to his room. I also interact with the porter sometimes on my leisure times so that I can get an idea of the likes and dislikes of the customers. It has been observed that sometimes the guest discusses their likings and disliking with the porter. The rooms in Marriot hotel are very spacious and it includes pokies bar, function hall, karaoke bars. In the functional hall, various entertainment programmes are organized for the visitors. This includes various kinds of concerts, other forms of comedy and various types of entertainment. In the karaoke bar, the visitors sing different famous songs and enjoy among themselves. It can be said that the restaurant of Marriot is one of the most popular restaurants in that particular location. Many visitors come to the restaurant to spend some time with their families having some famous cuisines prepared by the famous chefs. The entire restaurant works in co-ordination among the servers and the waiters. A pianist is also appointed in the restaurant to maintain proper ambiences for the visitors. Flowchart depicting the backstage operation of the hotel Marriot hotel has a very dedicated team at the backstage department. This backend team works in association with the frontend team and thus helps in fulfilling the needs of the guests. I being a chef is a part of the backend team of the restaurant. This backend operation team consists of various departments such as the kitchen department, housekeeping department and the laundry department. The housekeeping department of Marriot hotel is the disciplined and the organized department in the hotel industry. Proper training to provide to the housekeeping team so that they can serve the guest properly. The main task of this department is to check that they keep the room of hotel hygienic and clean. They must also keep the kitchen clean so that the restaurant can maintain proper hygienic food. The kitchen department prepares and serves the food to the guests. This department is regarded as the main lifeline of the hotel industry because it is this department which serves food to the guests. I have worked in this department from 2013-2016 and I have learned many new dishes and cuisines it is my privilege to work with such a big team of Marriott. The kitchen is very spacious and it is occupied with various modern food processing technologies and equipments. It has been observed that a majority of the Indian guest prefers continental cuisines of the restaurant. The laundry department also works in co-ordination with the back end team of the restaurant and tries to provide clean towel and linen to the visitors of the hotel. Thus, it can be said that there must be proper co-ordination among the different department of a service industry. This is also given due importance in case of Marriot. Both the backend and the frontend team work in co-ordination with each other to deliver the best service to the customers. It is also the duty of the management team to co-ordinate and keeps a proper check on the different departments of the hotel (Jones Lockwood, 2002). The management team must also try to check that they deliver the best service in the hotel industry and this will help them in maintaining the ethical standards without compromising the standards of the hotel. References Baker, S., Bradley, P., Huyton, J. (2001).Principles of hotel front office operations. Cengage Learning Denton, G. A., White, B. (2000). Implementing a Balanced-scorecard Approach to Managing Hotel Operations The Case of White Lodging Services.Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly,41(1), 94-107. Jones, P., Lockwood, A. (2002).The management of hotel operations. Cengage Learning EMEA. Lucas, A. F., Brewer, K. P. (2001). Managing the slot operations of a hotel casino in the Las Vegas locals market.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research,25(3), 289-301
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